Autor: Vučković, Zorana
Přispěvatelé: Nemeth-Jajić, Jadranka, Runjić-Stoilova, Anita, Brešan Ančić, Tanja
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: U suvremenom je svijetu tehnologija sveprisutna. Zbog brojnih mogućnosti koje pruža, a koje se često uklapaju u viziju suvremene škole, našla je svoje mjesto i u hrvatskim učionicama. Ipak, tehnologija svakog dana strelovito napreduje, a da bi je se moglo pratiti, kao i zahtjeve današnjeg društva, potrebno je ispuniti dva uvjeta: tehničku opremljenost i digitalne kompetencije. Prvi se dio rada bavi ovim dvama aspektima. Hrvatske su obrazovne strukture osmislile i provode projekte 'e-Škole' i 'Škola za život' s ciljem njihova poboljšanja. U osnovne i srednje škole uvedena je i međupredmetna tema 'Uporaba informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije'. Pojam digitalnih kompetencija u javnom se i stručnom diskursu često miješa s informatičkom, medijskom, informacijskom, digitalnom i inim pismenostima, što će se u radu pokušati razjasniti. Kako bi učenici mogli razvijati svoje digitalne kompetencije, osobito je važno da ih posjeduju i nastavnici. Drugi se dio rada bavi istraživanjem primjene informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u nastavi Hrvatskoga jezika u školama na području grada Sinja. Uzorak istraživanja čini 27 nastavnika koji predaju Hrvatski jezik u sinjskim školama. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je informatička opremljenost škola na zadovoljavajućoj razini, čime je ispunjen preduvjet za razvoj digitalnih kompetencija učenika i nastavnika i modernizaciju nastave. Ispitanici smatraju da su tijekom mrežne nastave navedene kompetencije ojačale, ali su još uvijek vrednovane prosječnom ocjenom 'dobar'. I na ostalim područjima itekako ima mjesta za napredak, pogotovo kada je riječ o podrški sustava i upotrebi malog broja digitalnih alata.
In the modern world, technology is everywhere around us. Due to its various advantages that often fit in the perception of a modern-day school, it found its place in Croatian classrooms as well. Nevertheless, technology is progressing rapidly day by day and in order to keep up with it, as well as with the requirements of the nowadays society, two conditions must be met: technical equipment and digital competence. In the first part of the thesis, the focus is on these two aspects. The Croatian educational structures came up with projects “e- Škole” and “Škola za život” which are implemented in the educational system with the goal to improve it. Furthermore, the cross-curricular topic “The use of information and communication technology” was introduced both in elementary and high schools. Digital competence, as a term in public and professional discourse, is often confused for computer, media or IT literacy. This is one of the topics further discussed in the thesis. In order for the students to develop their digital competences, it is of great importance for the teachers to possess them. The second part of the thesis focuses on the analysis of the usage of information and communication technologies in Croatian language classrooms in the schools of the city of Sinj. The research is based on the contribution of 27 Croatian language teachers employed (in the schools of) Sinj. The result of the research shows that the information equipment in the schools is satisfactory and, in that way, that the precondition for the development of digital competences of both students and teachers as well as the precondition for the modernization of teaching is fulfilled. The respondents believe the mentioned competences to have been strengthened during online teaching, but they are still valued with “C” as an average grade. There is certainly room for progress in other areas as well, especially when it comes to system support and the use of a small number of digital tools.
Databáze: OpenAIRE