Parenthood of early and preschool aged children: quantitative research of parental cognitions and behaviors

Autor: Krmpotić, Ena
Přispěvatelé: Reić-Ercegovac, Ina, Kalebić Jakupčević, Katija, Koludrović, Morana, Ljubetić, Maja
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Suvremeni pojam roditeljstva se shvaća kao „ravnopravno roditeljsko partnerstvo“, dok se tradicionalno shvaćanje roditeljstva povezivalo s majčinstvom. Najvažniji čimbenik u odgoju djeteta oduvijek je bila obitelj, a danas su njezine zadaće i funkcije sve složenije i zahtjevnije. Na širem društvenom planu dogodile su se brojne promjene koje su utjecale na današnju obitelj, njenu strukturu, životni stil, karakteristike. Danas je sve veći broj izvanbračnih zajednica, jednoroditeljskih i rekonstruiranih obitelji. Pogled na dijete i djetinjstvo je promjenjen. Danas se dijete promatra kao aktivni subjekt vlastitog razvoja sa svojim pravima i potrebama koje odrasli trebaju prepoznavati. Roditeljstvo je vrlo kompleksna i slojevita životna uloga svakog pojedinca. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati roditeljske stavove općenito o roditeljstvu, roditeljskom ponašanju i sposobnostima. Također, istražiti koji je roditeljski stil više zastupljen u odgoju te kako roditelji reagiraju na djetetovo neprimjereno ponašanje. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da, iako je ponekad stresno i iscrpno, roditeljstvo je najljepša životna avantura. Roditelji su svjesni da je strpljenje veoma važno kada je riječ o odgoju djece te međusobna suradnja i dijeljenje sličnih mišljenja. Iako, majke ističu kako često popuštaju svojoj djeci prije nego očevi. Prema klasifikaciji odgojnih stilova i dobivenim podacima na intervjuu zaključujemo da roditelji u odgoju svoje djece kombiniraju dva odgojna stila: autoritativan i permisivan odgojni stil. Postavljaju granice, koriste neke postupke kažnjavanja, ali isto tako popuštaju djeci te nisu dosljedni jer žele ispuniti dječje želje i interese.
Contemporary term of parenthood is being understood as ˝equal parenting partnership˝, while the traditional concept of parenthood was related with motherhood. Family has always been the most important factor in raising a child, and today it's tasks and functions are more complicated and demanding. On a broader social level there have been many changes, which have had an impact on today's concept of family, it's structure, lifestyle and characteristics. Today's number of extramarital unions, single-parent and reconstructed families has increased. The overall view of a child and childhood has been changed. The child today has been observed as an active subject od it's own development, with it's own rights and needs, which adults are supposed to recognize. Parenthood is a very complex and layered life role of each individual. The primary goal of this research has been questioning parenting attitudes towards parenting in general, about parental behaviour and their capacities. Also, researching which parental style is more represented in upbringing, and in which way do parents react to child's inappropriate behaviour. The results of this research show that, although sometimes stressful and exhausting, parenthood is the most beautiful life adventure. Parents are aware that patience is essential when it comes to children's upbringing, as well as mutual cooperation and sharing similar opinions. Although, mothers assert they often conduce their children, rather than their fathers. According to the parental style classification and obtained results at the interview, the conclusion is that, in the upbringing of their children, parent combine two parenting styles: authoritative and permissive parenting style. They set boundaries, use some punitive procedures, but also give in to children and aren't conssistent, for wanting to fulfill children's desires and interests.
Databáze: OpenAIRE