Autor: Milardović, Ivana
Přispěvatelé: Mandarić - Vukušić, Anita
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Suvremena škola naglasak stavlja na suradnju i partnerske odnose između stručnih suradnika i djece. S ciljem istraživanja uloga i odgovornosti pedagoga u neposrednom radu s djetetom te djetetove percepcije stručnog suradnika pedagoga provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje putem intervjua s četiri pedagoga i četvero djece s područja grada Imotskog. Rad iznosi, predstavlja i interpretira rezultate istraživanja koji se odnose na tri područja istraživanja: zadovoljstvo odabirom posla pedagoga i područje rada školskog pedagoga, procjena kompetencija pedagoga za neposredan rad s djecom te učestalost i vrsta aktivnosti u neposrednom radu pedagoga s djecom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako su pedagozi izrazito zadovoljni odabranom profesijom. S druge pak strane, djeca ne prepoznaju ulogu i svrhu pedagoga u njihovom odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Pedagozi se smatraju kompetentnima u radu, ali ostavljaju mjesta za napredak putem stručnih usavršavanja i cjeloživotnim učenjem općenito. Neposredan rad provode prilikom pomoći u učenju, savjetovanja oko rješavanja konfliktnih situacija, kroz različite radionice i slično. Djeca pedagoga prepoznaju kao osobu kojoj idu kada je njihovo ponašanje problematično ili kad imaju negativne ocjene. Loša je činjenica da djeca smatraju kako su pedagozi previše uključeni u njihove živote i da ne vidi način na koji bi im oni mogli dodatno pomoći u životu.
The modern school places emphasis on cooperation and partnerships between professional associates and children. With the aim of researching the role and responsibilities of pedagogues in direct work with the child and the child's perception of a professional associate pedagogue, a qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four pedagogues and four children from the town of Imotski. The paper presents and interprets research results related to three areas of research: satisfaction with the choice of pedagogue's job and the field of school pedagogue's work, assessment of pedagogues' competencies for direct work with children and frequency and type of activities in pedagogue's direct work with children. The results of the research show that pedagogues are extremely satisfied with the chosen profession. On the other hand, children do not recognize the role and purpose of pedagogues in their educational process. Pedagogues are considered competent in their work, but they leave room for improvement through professional development and lifelong learning in general. They carry out direct work during learning assistance, counseling on resolving conflict situations, through various workshops and the like. Children recognize pedagogue as a person they go to when their behavior is problematic or when they have negative grades. It is a bad fact that children feel that pedagogues are too involved in their lives and do not see a way in which they could further help them in life.
Databáze: OpenAIRE