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U radu Životni ciklus vodnjanske župe: krštenja, vjenčanja i smrti u 19. stoljeću analizirani su podaci iz matičnih knjiga krštenih, vjenčanih i umrlih župe Vodnjan u razdoblju od 1816. do 1860. godine, te detaljnije oni iz razdoblja od 1850. do 1860. godine. U radu se analiziraju rođenja i krštenja, imena djece, svećenika i babica te njihova uloga prilikom rođenja, odnosno krštenja, kao i zanimanja roditelja i kumova. Zatim su analizirani i brakovi sklopljeni u Vodnjanu, godine kada su mladenci stupali u brak te dani u tjednu kada se brak sklapao. U radu se na kraju analiziraju i smrti i bolesti koje su pogodile vodnjansko stanovništvo. Rad je popraćen i tablicama s brojem krštenja i začeća po godinama, s brojem djece prema spolu, brojem blizanaca, imenima djece, svećenika koji su krstili djecu, brojem djece koju su krstili, imenima babica i brojem djece koju su porodile te brojem vjenčanja, godinama mladenaca, danima u tjednu kada su se parovi vjenčavali, te brojem umrlih po mjesecima i godinama te prema životnoj dobi i spolu. Rad predstavlja sažeti prikaz krštenih, vjenčanih i umrlih sredinom 19. stoljeća u Vodnjanu, gradiću koji se nalazi na jugozapadu istarskog poluotoka. Osim podataka iz matičnih knjiga župe Vodnjan, navedena su i istraživanja ostalih autora koji su proučavali matične knjige drugih mjesta te njihova usporedba. In this Thesis titled, The life cycle of Vodnjan's parish: the number of christenings, marriages, and deaths in the 19th century are analyzed data from the registry books ,containing every christening, marriage and death in the county of Vodnjan throughout the period of 1816 to 1860, even more so detailed from the period of 1850 to 1860. This thesis analyzes the number of births and christenings, the names of children that are born,priests and midwives including their role during the births or christenings,and also the professions of parents and godparents. Afterwards, there are the analyses of marriages in Vodnjan, more accurately the date when newlyweds were joined in marriage. The end of the thesis analyzes the deaths and diseases that inflicted the population of Vodnjan. The thesis is accompanied by tables that show the number of christenings and births per year also showing the number of children by gender, the number of twins born names of the children, the priest who christened them, the number of christened, the names of the midwives and the number of children they accompanied during birth. It also shows the number of weddings the age of the newlyweds and the date they got married also including the dates of each death according to the gender and age. This thesis presents a summary of the christenings,marriages,and deaths in the mid 19th century in a small town southwest of the Istrian peninsula named Vodnjan. Other then the data from the registry books of Vodnjan here are also listed the authors that researched and studied other registry books from different places and their comparisons. |