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Financijska kriza, koja je 2008. godine eruptirala punom silom, pokazala je kako okvir za europsku integraciju nije uspio osigurati financijsku stabilnost te kako monetarna unija može funkcionirati samo ako je integrirani bankarski sustav na snazi. Proizašlo je mnogo pitanja o tome kakva je organizacija i funkcionalnost financijskog sustava s obzirom na ukazane nedostatke dotadašnje prudencijalne regulacije u bankarstvu. Potreba za promjenom supervizije financijskog sektora EU-a, posebice u europodručju rezultirala je osnivanjem Bankovne unije kao odgovor na lekcije naučene u financijskoj krizi. S početkom djelovanja SSM-a zaživio je i projekt Bankovne unije, a s obzirom da ESB ne može sama sudjelovati u stvaranju zajedničke nadzorne kulture potreban je doprinos nacionalnih vlasti koje bi trebale iskoristiti takvu priliku, što aktivno doprinosi njegovanju zajedničke supervizijske kulture. Obostrano njegovanje i poticanje zajedničke nadzorne kulture trebalo bi utjecati na razvoj iste, a centralizirana supervizija omogućit će suzbijanje nacionalnih interesa, koja je u prošlosti poznata kao začarani krug između banaka i države. Hrvatska je bila odlučna na putu pridruženja Bankovnoj uniji, što je učinila ulaskom u mehanizam bliske suradnje između ESB-a i HNB-a i ulaskom u tečajni mehanizam ERM II. Tim činom Hrvatska je na korak bliže uvođenju valute euro, a na temelju bliske suradnje postala je dijelom jedinstvenoga nadzornog i jedinstvenoga sanacijskog mehanizma prije nego li se pridruži europodručju. Stvaranje jedinstvenog sustava supervizije i sanacije banaka velik je korak za hrvatsku integraciju gdje se može očekivati transparentnija i dosljednija supervizija u budućnosti. Financial crisis, which had erupted fully in 2008, had shown that the frame for European integration had not managed to secure financial stability and that a monetary union can function only if it is supported by an integrated banking system. Many questions had arisen on the subject of organization and functionality of the financial system considering the noted shortcomings of prudential regulation in banking that had been implemented until then. The need for a change of supervision of the financial sector of the EU, especially in the Eurozone, had resulted in the founding of a Banking union as a response to the lessons learned during the financial crisis. The Banking union project had launched with the implementation of the SSM, and given that the ESB cannot act alone in the creation of a common supervisory culture, the participation of national governments is needed. These governments ought to capitalize on the opportunity presented to them by the aforementioned process of creation, and this would lead to an active contribution to the nurturing of a common supervisory culture. The nurturing and encouragement of a common supervisory culture on both sides should influence the development of that very same culture, while a centralized supervision should enable the suppression of national interests, which had been know in the past to contribute to an enchanted circle between the banks and the state. Croatia was determined on the path to join the Banking Union, which it did by entering mechanisms of close cooperation between the ECB and the CNB and by entering the ERM II exchange rate mechanism. Through these actions, Croatia is a step closer to switching to the Euro currency while also, thanks to close cooperation, it has become a member of a joint supervisory and remediation mechanism before joining the Eurozone. The creation of a joint supervisory and bank remediation system is a major step for Croatian integration, and a more transparent and consistent supervision can be expected in the future as a result. |