Računovodstvo licenca za primjer poslovnog subjekta 'X'

Autor: Jerončić, Nina
Přispěvatelé: Černe, Ksenija
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Tema ovog rada bila je ''Računovodstvo licence na primjeru poslovnog subjekta''. U radu smo se upoznali kroz osnove računovodstva odnosno definiciju, te tradicionalni i suvremeni koncept računovodstva. Nakon toga definirali smo imovinu odnosno dugotrajnu nematerijalnu imovinu u kojoj se nalazi licenca. Spomenuli smo i Zakon o računovodstvu, te Hrvatske standarde financijskog izvještavanja i Međunarodne standarde financijskog izvještavanja i to one koji se odnose na dugotrajnu nematerijalnu imovinu. Za kraj smo ostavili primjer iz odabranog poduzeća u kojem se vidi nabavka licence, ugovor o licenci i knjiženje licence. The topic of this paper was '' Accounting for a license on the example of a business entity ''. In this paper we have got acquainted with the basics of accounting, that is, the definition and the traditional and contemporary concept of accounting. After that, we defined the assets and / or fixed assets in which the license is located. We also mentioned the Accounting Act, the Croatian Financial Reporting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards, both those related to non-current intangible assets. In the end, we left an example from the selected company that shows the license acquisition, license agreement and posting of the license.
Databáze: OpenAIRE