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Odnos mitologije i ljudi može se vidjeti i na način na koji su stari Grci i Japanci gradili hramove bogovima, štovali ih i pisali priče. Mitologija ovih civilizacija objašnjava prirodne katastrofe, postanak svijeta i smrt. Obje su kulture prakticirale politeizam, a bogovi su imali moć nad ljudskim svijetom te su izazivali veliko strahopoštovanje. U japanskoj mitologiji svijet nastaje spajanjem božanstava Izanami i Izanagi, dok u grčkoj mitologiji boginjom Eurinomom i zmijom Ofionom. I u grčkoj i u japanskoj mitologiji svijet nastaje iz kaosa, no razlika je u dominantnosti spolova. Obje mitologije, kroz bogove i postanak svijeta, uključuju nastanke novih elemenata žive i nežive prirode. Motiv odlaska u podzemni svijet u grčkoj mitologiji može se vidjeti u mitovima poput otmice Perzefone, smrti Euridike i Tartarove otmice Helene. Motiv odlaska u podzemni svijet u japanskoj mitologiji može se uočiti u mitovima poput smrti boginje Izanami te bijegu boga Okuninushija. Obje mitologije uključuju kušanje voća kao prepreku odlaska u svijet živih, orfejevski motiv kršenja zabrane, povezanost bogova i prirodnih nepogoda. Međutim, grčki mitovi su bogatiji detaljima podzemnog svijeta te se više štuje ženski spol. The relationship between mythology and people can also be seen in the way the ancient Greeks and Japanese built temples to the gods, worshiped them and wrote stories. The mythology of these civilizations explains natural disasters, the creation of the world and death. Both cultures practiced polytheism, and the gods had power over the human world and caused great awe. In Japanese mythology, the world was created by the union of the deities Izanami and Izanagi, while in Greek mythology by the goddess Eurynome and the snake Ophion. In both Greek and Japanese mythology, the world emerges from chaos, but the difference is in the dominance of the sexes. Both mythologies through the gods and the creation of the world include the emergence of new elements of animate and inanimate nature. The motif of going to the underworld in Greek mythology can be seen in myths such as the abduction of Persephone, the death of Eurydice, and the abduction of Helen by Tartarus.The motif of going to the underworld in Japanese mythology can be seen in myths such as the death of th goddess Izanami and the escape of the god Okuninushi. Both mythologies include tasting the fruit as an obstacle to going to the world of the living, the Orpheus motif of breaking the prohibition, the connection between the gods and natural calamities. However, Greek myths are richer in details of the underworld and the female gender is more revered. |