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Upadi osmanske vojske na podruĉje Ugarsko-Hrvatskog Kraljevstva zasigurno su ostavili trag u nacionalnoj povijesti. Burno 16. stoljeće izrodilo je velike ratnike, jedan od njih bio je Petar Kružić, koji je u brojnim vojnim akcijama to dokazao, te cijeli život posvetio obrani Kraljevstva. Njegova zadaća, obrana posljednjeg utvrđenog grada Klisa na jugu Kraljevstva nije bila ni malo lagana, samim time što se nalazila na križanju tadašnjih sila, između Osmanskog Carstva i Mletačke Republike. Tu situaciju je također otežavala nezainteresiranost kralja u Beču. Unatoč teškim uvjetima ipak je čuvao grad sve do svoje smrti, kada i grad pada u ruke neprijatelja. Oblikovan životom na granici, svojim primjerom postavio je temelje uskocima, te je i sam nazvan ''otcem uskoka''. The Ottoman Army's invasions of the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia have undoubtedly left a mark on Croatian national history. The turbulent 16th century brought forth great warriors, one of them being Petar Kružić, who proved his significance in numerous military actions and who dedicated his entire life to defending the Kingdom. His main task – the defence of the last fortified city, the city of Klis in the south of the Kingdom – was in no way easy, as it was situated at the intersection of two major powers at the time, the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Venice. The situation was additionally hampered by the disinterest of the King in Vienna. Despite all the difficult conditions, he managed to sustain the city until his death, after which the city fell into the hands of the enemy. Formed by the life on the border, by his example he laid the foundations for the development of the Uskok army, which is why he was called “The Father of Uskoks”. |