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Istarska županija u cjelokupnom turističkom prometu Republike Hrvatske ima važnu ulogu. Ona ima razvijen turizam i težnju ka još boljim rezultatima i ekonomskim učincima na cjelokupno gospodarstvo. Putem turizma ostvaruje se veće zapošljavanje, prodaja i plasiranje domaćih roba i usluga. Selektivni oblici turizma u Istri vrlo su zastupljeni osobito u ljetnim mjesecima, a tendencija je da se turistička sezona produži kroz cijelu godinu. Mnoge aktivnosti vezane su za prirodu koja je vrlo atraktivna na cijelom području Istarske županije. Razvio se gastro turizam i manifestacije vezane za autohtona jela koja su dobro prihvaćena među stranim turistima. Neke od takvih manifestacija su degustacije maslinovih ulja na raznim lokalitetima u Istri, zatim poznate vinske ceste, ceste meda i sira i mnoge druge. Cilj je obogatiti i ostale oblike selektivnog turizma kako bi turisti bili zadovoljni i tijekom boravka u Istri zadovoljili svoje potrebe odmora, rekreacije i doživljaja kako bi se vraćali i preporučili drugim potencijalnim gostima. Istrian region in overall tourist traffic of Croatia has an important role. It has developed tourism and a tendency for even better results and economic effects on the whole economy. Through tourism, employment rates, sales and placement of domestic goods and services. Selective forms of tourism in Istria are highly represented during the summer, with the tendency to spread touristic season through the whole year. Many activities are nature-oriented which is very attractive throughout the territory of the Istrian region. Also, gastro tourism and events connected to authentic meals are well received by the tourists, which made gastro tourism more developed. Some of those events are tastings of olive oil on numerous locations in Istria, famous wine roads, roads of honey, cheese and many others. Goal is to enrich other forms of selective tourism so the tourists are satisfied and feel like their needs of relaxation, recreation and happenings are met. With that, Istria will have returning tourists as well as new ones based on recommendations by the former ones. |