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U radu se definira filozofija i početak filozofije egzistencije. Ističe se Sören Kierkegaard kao začetnik navedenoga filozofskog pravca te se interpretiraju njegova djela i filozofsko mišljenje o transcedentnome. Navode se i ostali filozofi koji su se opredijelili prema kršćanskome i areligioznome egzistencijalizmu. Problematizira se Jaspersov, Sartreov, Nietzscheov i Camusov odnos prema Bogu i ljudskoj egzistenciji. Elementi filozofije egzistencije iznose se u romanima Stranac i Mučnina, a potom i u Šegedinovim romanima, Crni smiješak i Djeca Boţja. Uz interpretaciju romana donosi se i pregled egzistencijalističkih romana u svjetskoj i hrvatskoj knjiţevnosti. In this work, the philosophy of existence and its beginning are defined. The initiator of this philosophical direction is Sören Kierkegaard and his work and philosophical thoughts on transcdency. Other philosophers which are leaning to christian and areligious existencialism are mentioned aswell. The works of Jasper, Sartre, Nietzsche and Camus are problematized in this work aswell as their relationship with God and human existence. The elements of philosophy of existencialism are shown in novels The Stranger and nausea, and also in Segedin's novels, Black smile and The children of God. Along with the interpretation of the novel, the review of existencialist novel in Croatian and international litterature are shown. |