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Pojam ekodizajna je danas sve više prisutan: u novinama, časopisima, čak i u filmovima, no što je to zaista? Sama riječ dizajn označava da se ovom principu pristupa na način da se prvo osmišljava nešto, nešto eko. U suštini ekodizajn se koristi kao alat u kružnoj ekonomiji i odbacuje razmišljanje linearne ekonomije (kupi-koristi-baci). Temelji se na detaljnijem proučavanju od kuda dolaze sirovine, kako osmisliti proizvod koji će se moći koristiti više puta i u konačnici reciklirati i time produžiti njihov životni vijek. Mnoge tvrtke danas ne znaju da li trebaju i/ili mogu uvesti ekodizajn u poslovanje, te često gledaju negativno i ne razmišljaju o dugoročnim posljedicama. Ekodizajn ima veliki potencijal i kao takav nam nudi veće mogućnosti za bolji i kvalitetniji život. Iako je ekodizajn danas dosta razvijen, ne dovoljno se koristi, a mogućnosti su mu beskrajne. The notion of eco-design is more and more present today: in newspapers, magazines, even in movies, but what is it really? The very word design means that this principle is approached by first designing something, something eco-friendly. In essence, eco-design is used as a tool in a circular economy and rejects the thinking of a linear economy (buyuse-throw). It is founded on studying in more detail where the raw materials come from, how to design a product that will be able to be used multiple times and ultimately recycle it and prolongate its lifespan. Many companies today do not know that they can introduce eco-design into their business or they don't now how to and they often look negatively and do not think about the longterm consequences. Eco design has great potential and as such offers us greater opportunities for a better life and with more quality. Although eco-design is quite developed today, it is not used enough, and its possibilities are endless. |