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Ovaj rad govori o povijesti turizma u Crikvenici čiji je razvoj prošao kroz više faza, od početne elitne faze u kojoj je bio sveprisutan i udovoljavao najvišim zahtjevima europskog visokog društva 19. stoljeća, preko zastoja u vrijeme svjetskih sukoba, faze solidarnosti i humanosti prema ratnim ranjenicima, siromašnima i protjeranima do faze ubrzanog razvoja i masovnog turizma te suvremenom okretanju selektivnim oblicima turizma. U radu je naglasak stavljen na zdravstveni turizam kao primjer selektivnog oblika turizma koji je u Crikvenici prisutan od samih početaka zahvaljujući klimatsko-zdravstvenim pogodnostima. Opisujući sto dvadeset devetogodišnju turističku tradiciju Crikvenice ovime se radom želi prikazati da se temelji postavljeni kroz povijest koriste i danas prilagođavajući se suvremenom turističkom tržištu kako bi Crikvenica ostala u vrhu najboljih jadranskih ljetovališta. This thesis is about the history of tourism in Crikvenica. Its development has gone through many different phases, from the beginner elite phase when it was omnipresent and it met the highest standards of the European 19th century high society, through the stoppage in the time of the world conflicts, the phase of solidarity and humanity towards war prisoners, the poor and exiled, to the phase of accelerated development and mass tourism and contemporary turn to the selective forms of tourism. In this thesis the highlight has been put on the health tourism as an example of the selective form of tourism which has been part of the tourism in Crikvenica since the early beginnings thanks to the climate and health conditions. By describing the one hundred and twenty-nine year old tourist tradition of Crikvenica this thesis wants to show that the grounds set throughout the history are still used today and they are adjusted to the contemporary tourist market to keep Crikvenica at the top of the best Adriatic resorts. |