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Slavko Zlatić djelovao je kao skladatelj, pedagog, dirigent i zborovođa te je svojim djelovanjem obogatio kulturni život kako Istre, tako i cijele Hrvatske. Osim što je skladao, vodio je brojne ansamble s kojima je ostvarivao zapažene nastupe, uređivao emisije na radiju te radio kao pedagog obrazujući brojne naraštaje glazbenika. Skladba "Duhovni stih" nastala je 1935. godine u Zagrebu. Tekst skladbe je dio staroslavenske liturgije, a skladana je za mješovit zbor a capella. Skladba je veoma promjenjivog karaktera koji je određen promjenama tempa te obiluje izražajnom dinamikom. Unatoč tome što djelo nije opsežno, zbog čestih promjena raspoloženja predstavlja pravi izazov za dirigenta i ansambl. Analiza dostupnih snimki pokazala je da različiti dirigenti različito interpretiraju određene dijelove skladbe. Detaljna analiza skladbe nužna je i korisna priprema za rad dirigenta s ansamblom. Pažljivom pripremom svake probe dirigent osigurava efikasnost pri usvajanju i uvježbavanju skladbe. and choir leader and with his professional work he has enrichened the cultural life of both Istria and Croatia. Apart from his composing work, he led a numerous amount of ensembles with which he delivered outstanding performances, he edited radio shows and worked as a music educator educating numerous generations of musicians. The composition named "Duhovni stih" is composed in 1935 in Zagreb. The lyrics of the composition are a part of an old Slavic liturgy and the composition itself was composed for a mixed choir a capella. The aforementioned composition is very changeable in its character, and designated by swift changes of tempo and the richness of its expressive dynamics. Despite the fact that the composition is not comprehensive in its volume, due to frequent changes of musical mood it represents a challenge for both the conductor and the ensemble. The analysis of the available recordings has shown that different conductors interpret certain part of the composition differently. The detail analysis of the composition is a necessary and useful preparation for the work of a conductor along with the ensemble. With the careful preparation of every rehearsal the conductor ensures efficiency with adoption and rehearsing the composition. |