Continuity of nursing care in patients with ischemic stroke

Autor: Belamarić, Anamarija
Přispěvatelé: Ilić, Božana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Bolesnici oboljeli od IMU najčešće imaju određeni stupanj neurološkog deficita i oporavak kod takvih bolesnika teče sporije. Nakon otpusta iz bolnice vrlo često im je potrebna pomoć druge osobe pri obavljanju pojedinih aktivnosti ili su prisiljeni koristiti pomagala. Cilj rada je prikazati tijek oporavka bolesnika tijekom hospitalizacije putem kategorizacije s obzirom na dob i spol, i prosječni vremenski period koji je potreban MS/T da pruži bolesniku što kvalitetniju zdravstvenu njegu. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću metode deskriptivne statistike i Kolmogorovog-Smirnov testa s ciljem testiranja normalnosti distribucije rezultata na česticama koje kategoriziraju bolesnike po prijemu i otpustu iz bolnice. Za obradu podataka korišten je statistički program IBM SPSS Statistics 27. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 129 pacijenata s dijagnozom I63.3. (ishemijski moždani udar) koji su bili hospitalizirani u Jedinici za cerebrovaskularne bolesti na Odjelu za neurologiju OB Pula u razdoblju od 1.1.2021. -1.7.2021. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da bolesnici sa dijagnozom I63.3. prilikom prijema na odjel su većinom kategorizirani u 2. ili 3. kategoriju te su relativno ovisni o višoj pomoći MS/T, a prilikom otpusta 60% bolesnika kategorizirano je u 1. ili 2. kategoriji što nam govori da se bolesnici značajno opravili uz adekvatnu pomoć MS/T. Kategorizacija bolesnika pokazala se kao neophodna metoda za praćenje općeg stanja bolesnika i instrument pomoću kojeg utvrđujemo njegove potrebe za zdravstvenom njegom, no vrlo često zbog nedostatka MS/T ona se ne provodi. Kategorizaciju bolesnika trebaju provoditi prvostupnici sestrinstva ili visokoobrazovane MS/T. Jedino objektivno i stručno napravljena kategorizacija može biti instrument za strateško planiranje prilikom proširenja sistematizacije radnih mjesta MS/T na bolničkim odjelima. Patients with IS (ischemic stroke) usually have some neurological degree deficit and recovery in such patients is slower. After being discharged from the hospital, they often need the help of other people to perform certain activities or are forced to use other aids. The aim of this paper is to present the course of recovery of patients during hospitalization through categorization according to age and sex, and the average time period required by MS / T to provide the patient with the highest quality health care. The study was conducted using descriptive statistics methods and the Kolmogor-Smirn test with the aim of testing the normality of distribution of results on particles that categorize patients on admission and discharge. The statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics 27 was used for data processing.The total of 129 patients with a diagnosis of I63.3 who were hospitalized in the Cerebrovascular Diseases Unit at the Department of Neurology OB Pula in the period from 1.1.2021. to 1.7.2021. participated in the study. The study found that patients with a diagnosis of I63.3. who are on admission to the ward, are mostly categorized in category 2 or 3 and are relatively dependent on higher MS / T care. Whereas 60% of patients who are on discharge are categorized in category 1 or 2 which tells us that the patients have significantly recovered through adequate assistance from medical staff. Categorization of patients has proven to be a necessary method for monitoring the general condition of patients, as well as an instrument used to determine their needs for health care, but very often due to lack of MS / T it is not implemented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE