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Rad se bavi problematikom kontroverznih proizvoda na trţištu koji mogu imati štetne učinke za potrošače i društvo. Bez obzira na moguće posljedice konzumiranja proizvoda, njihova ponuda je traţena, a marketing legalan. Svrha rada je istraţiti marketing tih proizvoda kako bi se rasvijetlila njihova kontroverza. U radu je analiziran marketing kontroverznih proizvoda duhana, alkohola i igara na sreću. TakoĎer je i izvršena anketa unutar 33 studenta na sveučilištu Juraja Dobrile u Puli koji su dali svoje viĎenje i stavove o marketingu kontroverznih proizvoda. The paper deals with the issue of controversial products in the marketing that can have detrimental effects on consumers and society. Regardless of the possible consequences of consuming products, their offer is sought, and marketing is legal. The purpose of this paper is to explore the marketing of these products to shed light on their controversy. The paper analyzes the marketing of controversial products such as cigarettes, alcohol and gambling products. A survey was also conducted among 33 students of the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula who gave their opinions and views on the marketing of controversial products. |