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Indeks kondicije (IK) je čimbenik koji ukazuje na fiziološke i bioenergetske promjene u organizmu na nekom području. Morfološka obilježja organizama ukazuju na prilagođenost području gdje obitavaju, te u kakvoj zajednici žive. U ovom radu uzorkovane su Mediteranske dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1891 na pet postaja: Limski zaljev, tvornica duhana Rovinj, ACI Marina Rovinj, Valdibora i Mirna u travnju 2013 godine. Postaje su odabrane prema različitom stupnju onečišćenja. Izmjereni su morfometrijski parametri, izračunati morfometrijski odnosi i indeks kondicije (IK) dagnji s promatranih postaja. Rezultati pokazuju da dagnje s postaje ACI Marina Rovinj imaju najniži indeks kondicije, a slijedi ju postaja Valdibora, Mirna, Tvornica duhana Rovinj, te naposljetku Limski kanal što odgovara i stupnju onečišćenja postaja sve do referentne postaje.. Limski kanal je uzet kao kontrolna postaja s najmanjim onečišćenjem, te su posljedično dagnje s tog područja imale najveći IK i dužinu ljušture. Najniži morfometrijski odnosi visine/širine i dužine/visine, te najveći širine/dužine u školjkašima uzorkovani kod Mirne ukazuju na stanište pod većim utjecajem valova te formiranja gustih kolonija, kada usporedimo s ostalim postajama. Izmjereni parametri pokazuju prilagodbu organizma na stanje u okolišu, kao i utjecaj drugih organizama, pa tako i čovjeka. The condition Index (CI) is a factor related to physiological and bioenergy changes in the organism in a specific area. Morphological ratios of organisms point to the area caracterization and in what community they live in. In this study, Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1891 were sampled at five stations: Lim Bay, Tobacco Factory Rovinj, ACI Marina Rovinj, Valdibora and Mirna in April 2013. The sampling stations were selected towards different degrees of pollution. Morphometric parameters were measured, morphometric ratios and condition indices were calculated in mussels collected from the observed sampling stations. The results show that mussels from the ACI Marina Rovinj had the lowest condition index, followed by Valdibora, Mirna, Tobacco Factory Rovinj and finally the Lim Bay which was proportional to the level of pollution. Lim Bay was taken as a control station with the lowest pollution, and consequently, the mussels from this area had the largest IC and the length of the shell. The lowest height/width and length/height ratios, as well as the greatest width/length in mussels sampled at Mirna sation, indicate the habitat under the influence of stronger waves and of the dense colonies when compared to other stations. Measured parameters showed the organism's adaptation to the environment, as well as the influence of other organisms, as well as human impact. |