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Rad istražuje temu kulturno-povijesnog nasljeđa Motovuna i Motovunštine. Budući da su se vladavine nad Motovunom neprekidno izmjenjivale kroz dugi niz stoljeća, njihov utjecaj odrazio se na građevine, kulturne spomenike, kao i na sam identitet grada. U prvom dijelu rada navedene su opće informacije i karakteristike Motovuna. Pobliže je predstavljena uloga njegovih zidina. Tlocrt ovog srednjovjekovnog naselja razdijeljen je na tri glavna, međusobno povezana područja: središte, podgrađe-Borgo, izgrađeno neposredno ispod visokih zidina na južnoj padini i predgrađe, zvano Gradicijol. U drugom dijelu rada jezgrovito je prikazano kulturno-povijesno nasljeđe Motovuna. Kroz ovaj dio rada dobiva se najbolji uvid u neprocjenjivu vrijednost ovoga karakterističnoga istarskoga gradića, kojoj smo i danas svjedoci. Posljednje poglavlje u ovome dijelu rada posvećeno je znamenitim Motovuncima. U trećem dijelu rada navedeno je nekoliko primjera dobre prakse za razvoj kulturnog turizma. Manifestacija MFF je, dakako, već prepoznatljivi brend Motovuna koji iz godine u godinu posjećuje sve veći broj ljudi. No, projekt Parenzana i Veli Jože također bude sve veću zainteresiranost kod posjetitelja te se sa sigurnošću može reći da je Motovun, uz sve navedeno u ovome radu, te gastronomiju koju nudi, jedna od najpoželjnijih destinacija na poluotoku Istre. This thesis presents the cultural and historical heritage of Motovun and of the area surrounding it. Throughout centuries, Motovun has been held by many rulers and this fact has left a mark on its buildings and cultural monuments, as well as on the identity of the town. The first part of the thesis offers general information and describes some characteristics of Motovun, as well as the role played by its town walls. This medieval town is divided into three areas that are connected: the old core, the Borgo area, which was built on the southern slope along the town walls, and the suburb called Gradicijol/Gradiziol. The second part of the paper is a succint outline of the cultural and historical heritage of Motovun. This part offers a valid insight into the inestimable relevance of this quaint Istrian town, which we can still witness at present. The last chapter is dedicated to famous Motovunborn people. A few examples of good practice for the development of cultural tourism can be found in the third part of this thesis. The Motovun Film Festival (MFF) is a well known brand of Motovun and it is an event that is attended by more and more people every year. Nevertheless, the Parenzana track and the Veli Jože project also attract numerous visitors, as well as does local gastronomy. All things considered, it can be firmly stated that Motovun is one of the most desirable destinations of the Istrian peninsula. |