Video games and free time

Autor: Bandić, Kristina
Přispěvatelé: Ružić Baf, Maja
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Video igre su sve proširenije i postaju dio skoro svakog djetinjstva i slobodnog vremena današnje djece. Djeca su kompetentnija u korištenju informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije više nego njihovi roditelji, a roditelji nemaju vremena istraživati video igre uz posao i ubrzani život. Sve više vremena djeca provode u školi i željni su istraživati nova znanja. U radu se prikazuje podjela video igara, sustavi za rangiranje video igara koji mogu biti od velike pomoći roditeljima kako u prikazu opisa pojedine video igre tako i u savjetima stručnjaka o zaštiti djeteta na internetu. Ukoliko roditelji ne znaju za određena rangiranja po dobi i sadržaju video igara može doći do negativnih utjecaja video igara i uporabe interneta na djecu pa čak i do ovisnosti o istom. Navode se primjeri škola koje su video igre uvrstile u kurikulume te mnoga istraživanja o utjecaju edukacijskih digitalnih igara na učenike. U radu se prikazuju primjeri primjene video igara u nastavi te pravilan odnos učitelja i ostalih osoba uključenih u odgojno-obrazovni proces prema video igrama. Navode se rizični faktori pri igranju video igara, a naglasak je na unaprjeđenje nastave i motiviranje učenika te korištenje video igra u svrhu nastavnog pomagala, alata za učenje, poučavanje i ponavljanje gradiva. Video games have become more widespread and are becoming a part of almost every childhood and free time of today's children. Children are more competetive in using information and communication tehnology than their parents and parents do not have time to explore video games of their children because they are working a lot and have a fast-paced life. Chidren are spending more and more time in school and they are eager to explore for more new knowledge. The thesis presents the division of video games, video game ranking systems that can be of great help to parents both in displaying the description of a particular video game and in advice of experts on child protection on the internet. If parents do not know about a certain ranking by age and content of video games, there can be negative impacts of video games and Internet use on children and even addiction to the same. Examples are given of schools that have included video games in their curricula and many studies on the impact of educational digital games in teaching and the proper attitude of teachers and other persons involved in the upbringing educational process towards video games. Risk factors in playing video games are mentioned, and the emphasis is on improving teaching and motivating students, as well as the use of video games for the purpose of teaching aids and tools for learning, teaching and repeating curriculum.
Databáze: OpenAIRE