Anemia in pregnant women

Autor: Kalaš, Nela
Přispěvatelé: Čerimagić, Damir, Vuletić, Natalija, Žauhar Bačić, Roberta
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Anemija je danas vrlo raširen javnozdravstveni problem. Pojava anemije u trudnoći zahtijeva odgovarajuću dijagnostiku i liječenjem premda prognoze anemije nisu fatalne ipak značajno djeluje na zdravlje trudnice i fetusa. U slučaju da trudnica boluje od anemije mogući je rizik je raniji porođaj, rizik manje tjelesne težine kod novorođenčeta, rizik malformacije fetusa. Sve to skupa predstavlja veliko opterećenje za zajednicu i obitelj. Studija autora Karami i suradnika o anemiji u trudnoći ukazala je na to da postoji visoka prevalencija anemije među trudnicama i da je najveća prevalencija blaga anemija. Istražena je prevalencija anemija na globalnoj razini i kod većine istraživanja utvrđen je blagi oblik anemije kod trudnice, s tim da trudnice više preferiraju obogatiti svoju prehranu unosom namirnica koje sadrže željezo u dovoljnim količinama. Osnovni cilj rada je utvrditi učestalost anemije te utvrditi povezanost dobi i anemije kod trudnica. Ispitanici u istraživanju su trudnice a metoda rada bila anketa. Uključena je bila statistička obrada podataka uz pomoć Testa sume rangova (Wilcoxon t-test, Mann-Whitney U test). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da starije trudnice više vole meso i namirnice bogate željezom nego koristiti suplemente bogate željezom Zanimljivo je da rijetko konzumiraju sušeno voće koje u sebi ima velika svojstva željeza. VIše preferiraju vodu kao napitak tijekom trudnoće. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da ispitanice najviše vole jesti voće i povrće a od mesa preferiraju piletinu koja je lagana i moguće je brzo pripremiti.
Anemia is a widespread public health problem today. The appearance of anemia in pregnancy requires appropriate diagnosis and treatment, although the prognosis of anemia is not fatal, but it significantly affects the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. If a pregnant woman suffers from anemia, there is a possible risk of early delivery, a risk of lower body weight of the newborn, a risk of fetal malformation. All this together represents a great burden for the community and the family. A study by Karami et al. on anemia in pregnancy indicated that there is a high prevalence of anemia among pregnant women and that the highest prevalence is mild anemia. The prevalence of anemia at the global level has been investigated and in most studies a mild form of anemia has been found in pregnant women, with the fact that pregnant women prefer to enrich their diet with foods that contain iron in sufficient quantities. The main aim of the final paper is to determine the frequency of anemia and determine the relationship between age and anemia in pregnant women. Respondents in the research are pregnant women, and the research method of final paper was a survey. Statistical data processing was included with the help of the Rank Sum Test (Wilcox on t-test, Mann-Whitney U test). The results of the research showed that older pregnant women preferred meat and iron-rich foods to iron-rich supplements. It is interesting that they rarely consume dried fruits that have high iron properties. They also prefer water as a drink during pregnancy. The results of the research showed that the respondents liked to eat fruits and vegetables the most, and they prefer chicken, which is light and can be prepared quickly, over meat.
Databáze: OpenAIRE