Autor: Canjuga, Ela
Přispěvatelé: Kehler, Tatjana, Marijančić, Verner, Rinčić, Iva, Lekić, Andrica
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Sve je veći broj mladih koji se žale na bol u vratu, a mišićno-koštana bol identificirana je kao najzastupljeniji zdravstveni problem kod glazbenika. S obzirom da je srednja škola mjesto gdje se mladi glazbenici pripremaju za svoj profesionalan rad, korisno je ispitati koliko je česta pojavnost boli u vratu kod glazbenika adolescenata. Istraživanje ima dva temeljna cilja: utvrditi učestalost pojave boli u vratu kod učenika srednje glazbene škole i ispitati razlike unutar skupine učenika srednje glazbene škole s obzirom na instrument koji sviraju. Osim toga, cilj je istražiti postoje li razlike u prevalenciji i intenzitetu boli u vratu kod učenika srednje glazbene škole s obzirom na spol i na vrijeme koje učenici provode svirajući svoj instrument. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 50 učenika srednje škole. Eksperimentalnu skupinu čine učenici srednje glazbene škole (N=23), a kontrolnu skupinu učenici gimnazije (N=27). Instrumentom se smatra i glas kod solo pjevača. Mjerni instrument je anonimna online anketa ciljana na problematiku boli u vratu koja je osmišljena u svrhu ovog istraživanja tako da su pitanja usmjerena prema promatranim varijablama. Rezultati istraživanja govore da su prevalencija i intenzitet boli veći kod glazbenika nego kod ostalih adolescenata. Intenzitet boli je veći kod adolescentica glazbenica nego kod adolescenata glazbenika, te se povećava s vremenom sviranja. Najjaču bol u vratu osjećaju klaviristi, a iza njih su gitaristi, violinisti pa solo pjevači. S obzirom na prisutnost boli u vratu kod glazbenika adolescenata, potrebno je provesti daljnja istraživanja, no sa većim ispitanim uzorkom kako bi rezultati bili relevantniji. Ključne riječi
An increasing number of young people complains about neck pain, and musculoskeletal pain has been identified as most common health problem in musicians. Considering high school is a place where young musicians prepare for their professional work it is useful to examine how common is neck pain in adolescent musicians. Research has two fundamental goals : to determine the frequency of neck pain in secondary music school students and examine differences within a group of secondary music school students considering the instrument they play. Beside that, the goal is to explore whether there are differences in prevalence and intensity of neck pain in high school music stuedents with regard to gender and the time students spend playing their instrument. 50 high school students participated in the study. The experimental group consists of high school music students ( N=23), and the control group consists of high school students (N=27). The voice of a solo singer is also considered an instrument. The measuring instrument is an anonymous online survey aimed at the issue of neck pain, which is designed for the purpose of this research so that the questions are directed towards the observed variables. Research results suggest that the prevalence and intensity of pain are higher in musicians than in other adolescents. Pain intensity is higher in female adolescent musicians than male adolescent musicians and it increases with playing time. The strongest pain is felt by pianists, and behind them are guitarists, violinists and solo singers. Given the presence of neck pain in adolescent musicians, futher research is needed but with a larger sample to make the results more relevant.
Databáze: OpenAIRE