Autor: | Laštro, Anamarija |
Přispěvatelé: | Čerimagić, Damir |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2022 |
Předmět: | |
Popis: | Gestacijski dijabetes je visoka razina šećera (glukoze) u krvi koja se razvija tijekom trudnoće i obično nestaje nakon poroda. Može se dogoditi u bilo kojoj fazi trudnoće, ali je češća u drugom ili trećem tromjesečju. Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učestalost gestacijskog dijabetesa u skupini žena mlađih od 30 godina i skupini žena starijih od 30 godina. Specifični ciljevi bili su usmjereni na ispitivanje incidencije koliko žena se u ispitivanom uzorku pridržavalo dijabetičk dijete, te koliko njih je imalo terapiju inzulinom. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u mjesecu lipnju 2022. godine. Rezultati istraživanja dobiveni su anketnim upitnikom koji je bio podijeljen preko Google docs obrasca u Facebooku grupi Trudnice i mame 2022.“ i „Trudnice i mame- iskustva i savjeti. U istraživanju je sudjelovala 128 ispitanica. Rezultati: Prosječna starost ispitanica bila je 30 godina. U ispitanom uzorku 75 (58,6%) ispitanica imalo je normalnu tjelesnu masu. Veći dio ispitanica u uzorku nije imala gestacijski dijabetes, njih 68 (53,07%). 49 (43%) ispitanica u skupini je majki/trudnica koje su imale ili trenutno imaju gestacijski dijabetes i pridržavaju se propisane dijabetičke dijete. Najveći dio ispitanica, njih 71 (55%), nije reguliralo povišenu razinu šećera u krvi jer ga nisu ni imale. Oko 52 (41%) ispitanica reguliralo je povišenu razinu šećera u krvi tijekom trudnoće prehranom. Svega 5 (4%) ispitanica imalo je propisanu terapiju inzulinom tijekom trudnoće za liječenje gestacijskog dijabetesa. Zaključak: Hipoteza 1 nije potvrđena jer je u uzorku bilo više ispitanica koje nisu imale gestacijski dijabetes. Hipoteza 2 je potvrđena jer se većina trudnica koja je navela da su imale gestacijski dijabetes pridržavala dijabetičke dijete. Hipoteza 3 nije potvrđene jer je veći broj ispitanica u istraživanju naveo kako su imale normalnu tjelesnu masu. Najveći broj ispitanica u uzorku naveo je kako nisu imale gestacijski dijabetes te se stoga hipoteza 4 ne može ptovrditi. Gestational diabetes is a high level of sugar (glucose) in the blood that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after delivery. It can happen at any stage of pregnancy, but is more common in the second or third trimester. Research objective: The aim of this research was to examine the frequency of gestational diabetes in the group of women under 30 years of age and in the group of women over 30 years of age. The specific objectives were aimed at examining the incidence of how many women in the examined sample adhered to a diabetic child, and how many of them had insulin therapy. Respondents and methods: The research was conducted in June 2022. The results of the research were obtained through a survey questionnaire that was shared via a Google docs form in the Facebook group "Pregnant women and mothers 2022" and "Pregnant women and mothers - experiences and advice." 128 respondents participated in the research. Results: The average age of the respondents was 30 years. In the examined sample, 75 (58.6%) subjects had a normal body weight. Most of the respondents in the sample did not have gestational diabetes, 68 of them (53.07%). 49 (43%) respondents in the group are mothers/pregnant women who have or currently have gestational diabetes and adhere to the prescribed diabetic diet. The largest part of the respondents, 71 of them (55%), did not regulate the elevated blood sugar level because they did not have it. About 52 (41%) of the respondents regulated the elevated blood sugar level during pregnancy with diet. Only 5 (4%) subjects were prescribed insulin therapy during pregnancy for the treatment of gestational diabetes. Conclusion: Hypothesis 1 was not confirmed because there were more subjects in the sample who did not have gestational diabetes. Hypothesis 2 was confirmed because the majority of pregnant women who stated that they had gestational diabetes followed a diabetic diet. Hypothesis 3 was not confirmed because a greater number of respondents in the study stated that they had a normal body weight. The largest number of respondents in the sample stated that they do not have gestational diabetes, and therefore hypothesis 4 cannot be confirmed. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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