Technical design of low voltage network

Autor: Pičuljan, Ivan
Přispěvatelé: Komen, Vitomir, Sučić, Viktor
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Ovaj završni rad tehnički opisuje strukturu i elemente niskonaponske mreže, te tehničke zahtjeve i kriterije za izbor i dimenzioniranje elemenata niskonaponske mreže. Opisan je postupak izrade izvedbenog tehničkog rješenja realne niskonaponske mreže. Detaljnije je pojašnjeno projektiranje niskonaponske mreže prema odabranom stvarnom primjeru rekonstrukcije TS 10(20)/0,4 kV JARDASI 2-N s priključnim kabelom 10(20)/0,4 kV i niskonaponskim raspletom. Izvršeni su proračuni pomoću programskog paketa ''WINdis'' te obuhvaćaju podatke o potrošačima, o gubicima snage, te padu napona i provjeri odabranog osigurača.
This work contains technical description of the structure and elements of a low voltage network, as well as technical requirements and criteria for the selection and dimensioning of the elements of the low voltage network. The procedure of making a detailed technical solution of a real low voltage network is described. The design of the low voltage network according to the selected real example of reconstruction of TS 10 (20) /0.4 kV JARDASI 2-N with connecting cable 10 (20) /0.4 kV and low voltage distribution system is explained in more detail. Calculations were performed using the "WINdis" software package and include data regarding consumers, power losses, and voltage drops and review of the selected fuse.
Databáze: OpenAIRE