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Željezo je kao element u tragovima neophodan za odvijanje raznih bioloških procesa. Ipak, deficit željeza jedan je od najčešćih nutritivnih nedostataka kako u općoj tako i u sportskoj populaciji. Sportašice, naročito one u sportovima izdržljivosti pod povećanim su rizikom od razvoja deficita željeza i daljnje progresije do sideropenične anemije. Prije prelaska na samu suštinu rada, objašnjena je uloga i metabolizam željeza u organizmu. Budući da je apsorpcija ključna za održavanje homeostaze željeza, navedene su karakteristike dvaju oblika prehrambenog željeza te čitav niz prehrambenih sastojaka koji imaju ulogu promotora ili pak inhibitora apsorpcije željeza. Također, opisana je stupnjevita progresija deficita željeza i laboratorijski pokazatelji potrebni za dijagnozu istog. Primarni cilj ovog rada je predstavljanje mehanizama koji utječu na status željeza u sportašica. Povećani gubitci željeza u sportaša uključenih u intenzivno vježbanje posljedica su gastrointestinalnog krvarenja, znojenja, hemolize i hematurije. Nadalje, sportašice imaju dodatni gubitak željeza menstrualnim krvarenjem koji može biti veći od prosječnog. Osim toga, u većine sportašica uočen je nedovoljan dnevni unos željeza. Pregledom novijih istraživanja, objašnjen je mehanizam kojim vježbanje kroz povećanje IL-6 dovodi do povećane sinteze hepcidina i posljedičnog promijenjenog metabolizma željeza u organizmu. Razmotren je utjecaj deficita željeza i sideropenične anemije na sportsku izvedbu. U posljednjem dijelu rada, opisani su mogući načini liječenja deficita željeza. Najraširenija metoda liječenja uključuje propisivanje peroralnih pripravaka željeza od strane liječnika koji određuje dozu i trajanje liječenja. Iron is a trace element which is required in many biological processes. Despite its important role, iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in general population and in athletes. Female athletes, especially those practising endurance sports, are at an increased risk of developing iron deficiency and its further progression to iron deficiency anemia. Before the theme of this paper is examined, the role and the methabolism of iron in the body is explained. Since the efficacy of iron absorption is crucial in maintaining iron homeostasis, the characteristics of two forms of dietary iron and a whole series of food ingredients that act as promoters or inhibitors of the absorption are mentioned. Furthermore, the gradual progression of iron deficiency is mentioned in detail with laboratory indicators necessary for the diagnosis. The primary goal of this paper is to present the mechanisms that affect the iron status in female athletes. Increased iron losses in athletes involved in intense exercise are the result of gastrointestinal bleeding, sweating, hemolysis and hematuria. Moreover, menstrual bleeding presents additional iron loss which may be higher than average in female athletes. Insufficient daily intake of iron has also been observed in most female athletes. A review of recent studies explains the mechanism of exercise leading to an increase in IL-6 which as a consequence increases hepcidin synthesis and thus changes iron methabolism. Additionally, it is discussed how iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia affect athletic performace. Finally, in the last part of this paper, deficiency treatment procedures are described. The most widespread treatment method involves oral iron supplements prescribed by a doctor who determines the dose and the duration of treatment. |