Correlation of athletes' motivation factors with the assessment of coaches' characteristics

Autor: Hrženjak, Miroslav
Přispěvatelé: Bosnar, Ksenija
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Ovo istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku zagrebačkih sportašica i sportaša seniorskog uzrasta s ciljem utvrđivanja relacija karakteristika trenera kakvima ih doživljavaju sportaši sa sportaševom motivacijom i zadovoljstvom postignuća ciljeva u sportu. Postavljene su sljedeće hipoteze: postoji statistički značajna povezanost između procijenjene emocionalne inteligencije trenera od strane sportaša i kvalitete motivacije sportaša procijenjene pod modelom samoodređenja (Deci i Ryan, 1985); postoji statistički značajna povezanost između procijenjene ličnosti trenera od strane sportaša i kvalitete motivacije sportaša procijenjene pod modelom samoodređenja (Deci i Ryan, 1985); postoji statistički značajna povezanost između procijenjene emocionalne inteligencije trenera od strane sportaša i ciljne orijentacije sportaša; postoji statistički značajna povezanost između procijenjene ličnosti trenera od strane sportaša i ciljne orijentacije sportaša; postoji statistički značajna povezanost između procijenjene stručnosti trenera od strane sportaša i ciljne orijentacije sportaša i postoji statistički značajna povezanost između procijenjene stručnosti trenera od strane sportaša i kvalitete motivacije sportaša procijenjene pod modelom samoodređenja (Deci i Ryan, 1985). Za provjeru instrumentarija napravljeno je preliminarno istraživanje na 190 studentica i studenata Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Neki od instrumenata pokazali su manjkavost, pa su revidirani prije glavnog istraživanja. U sklopu glavnog istraživanja izmjereno je 365 sportaša (60,63%) i 237 sportašica (39,36%) prosječne dobi od 23,31 godinu. Većina ispitanika navela je kako je njihov trener muška osoba (84%). Za procjenu kompetentnosti trenera korišten je upitnik PKT – procjena kompetentnosti trenera (Hrženjak, 2016); za procjenu ličnosti trenera korišten je upitnik PLT – procjena ličnosti trenera (Bosnar, 2016), dok je za procjenu emocionalne inteligencije trenera korišten upitnik UEK-45 (Takšić, 2002). Za procjenu zadovoljstva postignućem ciljeva u sportu korišten je upitnik ZPCS – zadovoljstvo postignućem ciljeva u sportu (Balent, 2016), za procjenu ciljne orijentacije sportaša korištena je adaptirana hrvatska verzija upitnika ciljne orijentacije u sportu (Barić i Horga, 2007), dok je za procjenu kvalitete motivacije sportaša pod modelom samoodređenja (Deci i Ryan, 1985) korišten novokonstruirani upitnik (Hrženjak, 2016). Sukladno postavljenim hipotezama, kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajne korelacije između skupova varijabli vezanih uz motivaciju sportaša pod modelom samoodređenja (Deci i Ryan, 1985) i skupa varijabli vezanih uz procijenjenu emocionalnu inteligenciju trenera od strane sportaša. Također, utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajna povezanost između skupa varijabli vezanih uz procjenu ličnosti trenera i kvalitete motivacije sportaša procijenjene pod modelom samoodređenja (Deci i Ryan, 1985). Nadalje, kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost između skupa varijabli vezanih uz procjenu emocionalne inteligencije trenera i ciljne orijentacije sportaša, kao i postojanje statistički značajne povezanosti između varijabli vezanih uz procijenjenu ličnost trenera i ciljnu orijentaciju sportaša. Uz pomoć multiple regresijske analize utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost ciljne orijentacije sportaša s procijenjenom kompetentnošću trenera od strane sportaša, kao i statistički značajna povezanost kvalitete motivacije sportaša procijenjenu pod modelom samoodređenja (Deci i Ryan, 1985) i procijenjene kompetentnosti trenera od strane sportaša. To identify relationships between the characteristics of coaches as perceived by athletes on the one hand, and athletes' motivation and satisfaction with achievement in sport on the other, a research has been conducted on the sample of senior male and female athletes from Zagreb. The following hypotheses have been set: there exists a statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence of a coach as assessed by athletes and athletes' motivation assessed within the self-determination theory model (Deci & Ryan, 1985); there exists a statistically significant correlation between coach's personality as assessed by athletes and athletes' motivation assessed within the Self-Determination Theory model (Deci & Ryan, 1985); there exists a statistically significant correlation between coach's emotional intelligence as assessed by athletes and athletes' goal-orientation; there exists a statistically significant correlation between coach's personality as assessed by athletes and athletes' goal-orientation; there exists a statistically significant correlation between coach's competence as assessed by athletes and athletes' goal-orientation; and there exists a statistically significant correlation between coach's competence as assessed by athletes and athletes' motivation assessed within the self-determination theory model (Deci & Ryan, 1985). To test the assessment tool a pilot research has been conducted on the sample of 190 female and male students with the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb. Some assessment tools appeared to have some shortcomings, so that they have been revised before the principal research. The principal research has been conducted on the sample of 365 male (60.63%) and 237 female (39.36%) athletes (average age = 23.31 years). Men appeared to be the coaches of athletes participating in this research in most cases (84%). The Assessment of Coach's Competence Questionnaire (ACCQ) (Hrženjak, 2016) was used to assess the competence of coaches. The Coach's Personality Assessment Questionnaire (CPAQ) (Bosnar, 2016) was used to assess coach's personality, and the Emotional Competence Questionnaire (ECQ) (Takšić, 2002) was used to assess emotional intelligence of coaches. The Satisfaction with Goal Achievements in Sport (SGAS) (Balent, 2016) was used to assess satisfaction with goals achieved in a sport, goal-orientation of athletes was assessed by the adapted Croatian version of the Goal-orientation in Sport Questionnaire (Barić i Horga, 2007), and a newly constructed questionnaire (Hrženjak, 2016) was used to assess motivation of athletes within the self-determination model (Deci & Ryan, 1985). In compliance with the set hypotheses, canonical correlation analysis was employed that showed statistically significant correlations between the set of motivation-related variables of athletes within the self-determination model (Deci & Ryan, 1985) and the set of variables connected with coaches' emotional intelligence assessed by athletes. Likewise, a statistically significant correlation was found to exist between the set of variables associated with assessment of coach's personality and the set of motivation-related variables of athletes as assessed within the self-determination theory model (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Further, canonical correlation analysis has yielded a statistically significant correlation between the set of variables dealing with assessment of coach's emotional intelligence and those dealing with athletes' goal-orientation, as well as a statistically significant correlation between the variables referring to the assessed personality of a coach and athletes' goal-orientation. Multiple regression analysis has yielded a statistically significant correlation between athletes' goal-orientation and coach's competence as assessed by athletes, as well as a statistically significant correlation between athletes' motivation assessed under the self-determination model (Deci & Ryan, 1985) and coach's competence as assessed by athletes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE