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Pilates je skup vježbi koji je uz sve novije programe ostao atraktivan u većini fitnes studija današnjice. Ovo je jedan od programa koji se preporučuje ženama različitih dobi. Osim niza pokreta koji se mogu izvoditi samostalno, pilates nudi mogućnost uporabe različitih rekvizita. Svrha rekvizita je poboljšanje fleksibilnosti, snage, ravnoteže i ispravljanje nepravilnog držanja tijela, a osim toga i smanjuje monotoniju prilikom vježbanja. Pilates is a set of exercises , along with all the newer program, has remained attractive in most of today 's fitness studios . This is one of the programs recommended for women of different age. In addition to a range of movements that can be run independently , the Pilates program offers the ability to use a lot of different equipment . The purpose of the props is to improve the flexibility , strength , balance and correction of irregular posture , and , in addition ,it reduces exercise monotony. . |