Gender issues in E.M. Forster's novel A Room with a View and Virginia Woolf's Orlando

Autor: Lekić, Irena
Přispěvatelé: Ukić Košta, Vesna
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: This final paper deals with the position of women in modernist novels Orlando by Virginia Woolf and A Room with a View by E.M. Forster. The analysis is based on the work of the 20th century gender theorists Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler. In Orlando, the emphasis is on the concept of gender performativity, first described and used by Butler in her book Gender Trouble (1990), with the aim of understanding women beyond the confinements of their gender. Similarly, the question of gender roles as a potentially limiting factor in one's life is also thematised in Forster's A Room with a View, with the difference in perspective-in Forster's novel, gender roles are partially rejected, whereas in Orlando, these roles are performed. Ovaj završni rad se bavi pitanjem položaja žene u modernističkim romanima Orlando Virginie Woolf i Soba s pogledom E.M. Forstera. Analiza se temelji na radu Simone de Beauvoir i Judith Butler, teoretičarki roda 20-og stoljeća. U Orlandu je naglasak na konceptu gender performativity, koji je Butler prvi put opisala i upotrijebila u svojoj knjizi Nevolja s rodom (1990), s ciljem razumijevanja žene izvan okvira njezinog roda. Pitanje vezano uz rodne uloge kao potencijalno ograničavajući čimbenik je također na sličan način tematizirano u Forsterovom romanu Soba s pogledom, s razlikom u perspektivi- u Forsterovom romanu su rodne uloge djelomično odbačene, dok se u Orlandu one izvode.
Databáze: OpenAIRE