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Samopercepcija moralnosti definirana je od strane Jordana i sur., (2015) kao dinamičan i promjenjiv moralni self-koncept određen prototipnim moralnim osobinama preuzetim iz modela moralnog identiteta Aquina i Reeda (2002). Samopercepcija moralnosti ima regulacijsku funkciju: kada je narušena može doći do potrebe za moralnim ojačavanjem te moralnim ponašanjima, a kada je pozitivna može doći do moralnog opuštanja te time nemoralnog ponašanja. Samopercepcija moralnosti pod utjecajem je određenih stavova i uvjerenja (Jordan i sur., 2015). Sveukupnost društvenih, političkih, moralnih, religioznih i drugih uvjerenja i stavova naziva se ideološkom orijentacijom. Ideološke orijentacije se najčešće dijele na lijevu i desnu ideološku orijentaciju (Proroković, 2016). Samopercepcija moralnosti i generalne ideološke orijentacije imaju posebnu važnost u razdoblju pandemije COVID-19 s obzirom na moralne i političke dileme s kojima se ljudi svakodnevno susreću. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos samopercepcije moralnosti, generalnih ideoloških orijentacija i stavova prema pandemiji COVID-19. Istraživanje je provedeno online putem koristeći platformu Microsoft Forms. Uzorak se sastojao od 150 studenata koji žive u Republici Hrvatskoj. Samopercepcija moralnosti se mjerila Ljestvicom samopercepcije moralnosti koja je konstruirana u svrhu ovog istraživanja po uzoru na rad Jordana i suradnika (2015). Ideološke orijentacije sudionika su ispitane Upitnikom generalnih ideoloških orijentacija (Proroković, 2016). Stavovi prema pandemiji COVID-19 definirani su kao stavovi prema virusu COVID-19, mjerama zaštite te cjepivu protiv COVID-19 što je obuhvaćeno Ljestvicom stavova prema pandemiji COVID-19 koja je konstruirana u svrhu ovog istraživanja. Pokazalo se kako postoji pozitivna povezanost između samopercepcije moralnosti i generalno lijeve ideološke orijentacije (GLIO) te negativna povezanost između samopercepcije moralnosti i rezultata na ljestvici stavova prema pandemiji COVID-19. Nije utvrđena povezanost između generalno lijeve ideološke orijentacije (GLIO) i rezultata na ljestvici stavova prema pandemiji COVID-19. Zaključno, samopercepcija moralnosti je relativno neistražen konstrukt koji, poput ideološke orijentacije, ima značajnu ulogu u različitim stavovima i ponašanjima osobito u vremenima globalne krize poput pandemije COVID-19. The moral self-perception is defined by Jordan et al., (2015) as a dynamic and changeable self-concept determined by prototypical moral qualities derived from moral identity model (Aquino and Reed, 2002). The moral self-perception has a regulatory function: when it is impaired, there may be a need for moral strengthening and moral behavior, and when it is positive, it can lead to moral relaxation and thus immoral behavior. Moral self-perception is influenced by certain attitudes and beliefs (Jordan et al., 2015). The totality of social, political, moral, religious and other beliefs and attitudes is called ideological orientation. Ideological orientations are most often divided into left and right ideological orientations (Proroković, 2016). Moral self-perception and general ideological orientations have a special importance in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the moral and political dilemmas that people face every day. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between moral self-perception, general ideological orientations and attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted online using the Microsoft Forms platform. The sample consisted of 150 students living in the Republic of Croatia. Moral self-perception was measured with the Scale of moral self perception, which was constructed for the purpose of this research based on the work of Jordan et al. (2015). The participants' ideological orientations were examined with the General Ideological Orientations Questionnaire (Proroković, 2016). Attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic are defined as attitudes towards the COVID-19 virus, protective measures and the vaccine against COVID-19, covered by the Scale of Attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic, which was constructed for the purpose of this research. It was shown that there is a positive correlation between moral self-perception and general left ideological orientation (GLIO) and a negative correlation between self-perception of morality and the results on the scale of attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic. No connection was established between the general left ideological orientation (GLIO) and the results on the scale of attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic. In conclusion, moral self-perception is a relatively unexplored construct that, like ideological orientation, plays a significant role in different attitudes and behaviors, especially in times of global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. |