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Ovaj rad temelji se na analizi Krleţine jednoĉinke Kraljevo kroz pojam Gesamtkunstwerk. U prvome poglavlju prikazat će se razdoblje ekspresionizma u hrvatskoj knjiţevnosti te kako je ono utjecalo na opus Miroslava Krleţe, zatim Kraljevo unutar ekspresionistiĉkih drama u kojima će se javljati novi scenski izrazi, drastiĉno razliĉitiji od tradicionalnih s ciljem da se prikaţu nemiri, strahovi i lutanja prouzroĉena Prvim svjetskim ratom. U središnjem dijelu rada objasnit će se se pojam Gesamtkunstwerk, kako se razvijao kroz povijest i kakvog je utjecaja imao u stvaralaštvu njemaĉkog skladatelja Richarda Wagnera koji ga je najviše koristio. Temeljne karakteristike pojma Gesamtkunstwerk prikazat će se potom kroz dramu Kraljevo. This paper is based on the analysis of Krleţa's one-act play through the use of the term or concept Gesamtkunstwerk. The first chapter will consist of the overlook of the period of expressionism in the Croatian literature and how the period influenced the works of Miroslav Krleţa, the place of the work Kraljevo in the framework of the expressionistic plays, which are drastically different from the traditional plays with the intention of showing the unrest, fears and wanderings caused by the World War I. The central part of the paper will be about the term Gesamtkunstwerk, how it developed throughout the history and what influence it had in the works of German composer Richard Wagner who used it the most. The mentioned characteristics of the term Gesamtkunstwerk will be shown on the example of the play Kraljevo. |