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Akutno zatajenje bubrega kliničko je stanje karakterizirano naglim pogoršanjem bubrežne funkcije, te nakupljanjem dušičnih tvari u krvi. Može nastati zbog prerenalnih, renalnih i postrenalnih uzroka. U početnoj fazi akutnog zatajenja bubrega prevladavaju simptomi osnovne bolesti koja je i dovela do insuficijencije bubrega, prisutna je oligurija/anurija, mokraća je često tamnije boje zbog prisutnosti krvi i raspadnih produkata tkiva. Pojačan je osjećaj žeđi, javljaju se mučnina i pospanost. Akutno zatajenje bubrega ima utjecaj i na drugim organskim sustavima pa se mogu javiti komplikacije poput kardiovaskularnih, neuroloških, gastrointestinalnih, hematoloških i mnogih drugih. Liječenje bolesnika s akutnim zatajenjem bubrega vrlo je kompleksno. Dijaliza je jedna od metoda liječenja. To je postupak koji se koristi za uklanjanje suvišne tekućine i otpadnih produkata iz organizma, kada bubrezi nisu u stanju otkloniti ih. Unatoč uspješnom nadomještanju bubrežne funkcije, mortalitet u akutnom zatajenju bubrega iznosi i do 50%, stoga je vrlo bitna prevencija same bolesti. Medicinske sestre/tehničari vrlo su bitni u procesu zbrinjavanja i pružanja zdravstvene njege takvim bolesnicima. Njihova uloga je višestruka i proteže se kroz sve stadije bolesti. U procesu zdravstvene njege, medicinske sestre/tehničari utvrđuju bolesnikove potrebe za zdravstvenom njegom, planiraju, provode i evaluiraju istu. Edukacija bolesnika s akutnim zatajenjem bubrega vrlo je bitan dio zdravstvene njege. Ukoliko je edukacija učinkovita i kvalitetna, na taj se način postiže bolja suradljivost u daljnjem tijeku liječenja. Pružanje sveobuhvatne i jednostavne informacije bolesnika može potaknuti na poboljšanu brigu o sebi , te donošenje ispravnih odluka u vezi liječenja. Acute renal failure is a clinical condition characterized by a sudden deterioration in renal function, and an accumulation of nitrogen in the blood. It can be caused by prerenal, renal and postrenal causes. In the initial stage of acute renal failure, the symptoms of a underlying disease that has led to renal failure are prevalent, oliguria/anuria is present, urine is often darker in color due to the presence of blood and decaying tissue products. There is an increased feeling of thirst, nausea and drowsiness occur. Acute renal failure also affects other organic systems, so complications such as cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, hematological, and many others may occur. Treatment of patients with acute renal failure is very complex. Dialysis is one of the methods of treatment. It is a process used to remove excess fluid and waste products from the organism, when the kidneys are unable to remove them. Despite the successful replacement of renal function, the mortality in acute renal failure is up to 50%, so prevention of the disease itself is very important. Nurses/technicians are very important in the process of caring for and providing health care to such patients. Their role is multiple and extends through all stages of the disease. In the health care process, nurses / technicians identify the patient's needs for health care, plan, implement and evaluate it. Educating patients with acute renal failure is a very important part of health care. If the education is effective and of good quality, in this way better cooperation is achieved in the further course of treatment. Providing comprehensive and simple patient information can encourage improved self-care, and making the right treatment decisions. |