Utjecaj društveno-ekonomskih čimbenika na motivaciju studenata za posjet kazališt
Autor: | Kukić, Dijana |
Přispěvatelé: | Klarin, Tomislav |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: |
društvenoekonomski ĉimbenici
students cultural institutions kulturne ustanove kazalište motivacija culture leisure time motivation theatre studenti kultura slobodno vrijeme SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management social-economics factors DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment |
Popis: | Na samom poĉetku rada iznesena je postojeća problematika koja je bila temelj istraţivanja, a to je nedovoljna motiviranost studenata za posjetom kulturnim ustanovama, prvenstveno kazalištu. Sukladno problematici ispitani su društveno - ekonomski ĉimbenici koji utjeĉu na motivaciju studenata, te aktivnosti kojima najĉešće provode svoje slobodno vrijeme. TakoĊer, nastojalo se istraţiti i stajalište kazališta o tom problemu te saznati ĉine li što po tome pitanju. Na temelju provedenog istraţivanja zakljuĉeno je da na motivaciju studenata utjeĉe prethodno iskustvo posjete kazalištu, te podruĉje znanosti trenutnog studija. Dakle, kulturne ustanove trebaju raditi na motivaciji uĉenika kako bi oni stvorili naviku odlaska u kazalište koju će prenijeti i na svoje studentske dane. Treba djelovati od samih poĉetaka, jer kao što je istraţivanje pokazalo, stvorene navike itekako igraju znaĉajnu ulogu u kasnijim ţivotnim fazama. Nadalje, studenti su popriliĉno nezainteresirani za posjet kazalištu, navode da jednostavno radije provode slobodno vrijeme na neki drugi naĉin. Tu je vaţna uloga kazališta kao kulturne ustanove koja mora osmisliti naĉine kojima će potaknuti studente da izaberu kazalište umjesto neke druge aktivnosti slobodnog vremena. Kazališne ustanove su prepoznale problematiku male posjećenosti kazališta, pa su poĉele poduzimati odgovarajuće mjere. Pri poduzimanju tih mjera vaţan je kontinuitet kako trenutna mala posjećenost kazališta od strane studenata ne bi postala još manja. At the very beginning of the work, the existing issues were the basis of the research, and that is insufficient motivation of students to visit cultural institutions, primarily the theater. According to the problematics, socio - economic factors influencing the motivation of students and the activities they spend most of their time are examined. Also, one of the goals was to explore the theater's view of the problem and find out if they are doing anything on that field. Based on the research conducted, it was concluded that the student's motivation was influenced by the previous experience of the theater visit and the field of science of the current study. Therefore, cultural institutions should work on the motivation of students to create a habit of going to the theater to be transferred to their student days as well. It needs to work from the very beginning, because as the research has shown, habits created play a significant role in later life stages. Furthermore, students are quite uninterested in visiting the theater, suggesting that they simply prefer to spend leisure time in some other way. This is an important part of the theater as a cultural institution that has to design ways to encourage students to choose the theater instead of some other leisure activities. Theater institutions have recognized the issue of small theater visits, and they have begun taking appropriate measures. When taking these measures, it is important that the current low attendance of the theater by students should not become even smaller. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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