Social Class and Ethnicity as Variables in Sociolinguistic Research

Autor: Gusić Janjić, Silvija
Přispěvatelé: Škifić, Sanja
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: This paper deals with social class and ethnicity as variables in sociolinguistic research. Various studies with the mentioned variables describe how someone’s ethnicity can be the cause of different linguistic phenomena (for example, double negation) and it can have negative social consequences (e.g., racism and stereotype). The first part of the paper provides definitions of social class and types of variables, along with the studies conducted by William Labov and other influential sociolinguists that show how middle classes strive for higher status and tend to use hypercorrection with the goal of leaving a better impression (among other things) while lower classes do not have such aspirations. The following part describes the studies conducted by Lauren Hall – Lew and John Rickford on the topic of ethnicity in which both unity and division are visible. Ovaj rad se bavi društvenom klasom i etnicitetom kao varijablama u sociolingvistčkim istraživanjima. Različita istraživanja koja uključuju razlitčite varijable opisuju kako nečija etnička pripadnost može biti uzrok različitih jezičnih fenomena (poput dvostruke negacije) te imati negativne društvene posljedice (rasizam i stereotip). U prvom dijelu rada naznačene su same definicije društvene klase i vrste varijabli, uz primjere istraživanja Williama Labova i ostalih utjecajnih sociolingvista, u kojima je vidljivo kako srednje društvene klase teže višem statusu te su sklone hiperkorekciji s ciljem ostavljanja boljeg dojma (između ostaloga) dok niže klase nemaju takvih sklonosti. U sljedećem dijelu opisana su istraživanja Lauren Hall – Lew i Johna Rickforda na temu etniciteta u kojima je vidljivo jedinstvo i razdor.
Databáze: OpenAIRE