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U ovom diplomskom radu govori se o važnosti socijalizacije i usvajanja prosocijalnog ponašanja djece rane i predškolske dobi. Socijalizacija djeteta odvija se u zajednici koja ga okružuje te predstavlja proces unutar kojeg dijete usvaja znanja, stavove, socijalne vještine i socijalnu osjetljivost što mu omogućava da postane integriran u to društvo i prilagodi svoje ponašanje tom društvu. Kroz ovaj rad ističe se uloga roditelja, vršnjaka i odgojitelja kao važnih čimbenika u procesu socijalnog razvoja djece rane i predškolske dobi. Internalizirani i eksternalizirani problemi utječu na proces socijalizacije stoga je važno preventivno djelovati i jačati djetetov socijalni razvoj. Kada govorimo o grupiranju djece u vrtiću, tada se ističu mješovite odgojne skupine djece različite dobi jer više pogoduju socijalnom razvoju. This thesis discusses the importance of socialization and the adoption of prosocial behavior in children of early and preschool age. The socialization of the child takes place in the community that surrounds him and represents a process within which the child acquires knowledge, attitudes, social skills and social sensitivity, which enables him to become integrated into that society and adapt his behavior to that society. Trought this paper, the role of parents, peers and educators is highlighted as important factors in the process of social development of children of early and preschool age. Internalized and externalized problems affect the socialization process, therefore it is important to act preventively and strenghen the child's social development. When we talk abou the grouping of children in kindergarten, then mixed educational groups of children of different ages stand out because they are more conducive to social development. |