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Djeca kao česti korisnici knjižničnih usluga zauzimaju važnu ulogu u radu knjižnica. Čitanjem u prvim godinama života i uvođenjem djeteta u svijet knjiga, djeca stječu navike druženja s knjigom, dolazaka u knjižnicu te stvaraju temelje za budućnost i njihov sveukupni razvoj. Jedna od osnovnih zadaća dječjih odjela narodnih knjižnica je ponuditi djeci dobar izbor knjižne građe i osmisliti brojne aktivnosti, kako bi djeci pružili mogućnost učenja te korisnog provođenja slobodnog vremena. Prikazano je osnivanje i razvoj prvih dječjih knjižnica u Hrvatskoj, njihove zadaće i funkcije te pregled svih usluga i aktivnosti koje knjižnica pruža svojim korisnicima. Analizirani sadržaji, usluge i programi koje organiziraju dječji odjeli u narodnim knjižnicama, uređeni su i propisani „ Zakonom o knjižnicama “ i „ Standardima u Republici Hrvatskoj “. Kako bi knjižnica zadovoljila potrebe korisnika, knjižničar treba posjedovati kompetencije potrebne u radu s djecom, surađivati s ustanovama i pružati edukaciju roditeljima i djeci. Knjižničari kao stručni djelatnici daju osobiti doprinos u osmišljavanju novih sadržaja i razvoju postojećih usluga, provode aktivnosti i ustrajni su u nastojanju da djecu upoznaju s knjigom i na taj način im je približe. Kako bi se utvrdilo zadovoljstvo korisnika Dječjeg odjela Gradske knjižnice “ Juraj Šižgorić“ Šibenik knjižničnim sadržajima, provedeno je istraživanje metodom ankete namijenjeno djeci i njihovim roditeljima kao korisnicima Dječjeg odjela. Rezultati istraživanja su statistički obrađeni i pokazatelj su stupnja zadovoljstva korisnika Gradske knjižnice „Juraj Šižgorić“ Šibenik sadržajima Dječjeg odjela. Na temelju rezultata provedene ankete utvrdilo se trenutno zadovoljstvo korisnika te se pružila prilika korisnicima da predlože sadržaje i usluge koje su željeli ili kako bi se unaprijedile postojeće. Children are more and more important users of the librarian services and therefore play a very important role in the work of the libraries. Thanks to reading during their first years and thanks to introducing them into the world of books, children obtain habits of making social bonds with books, visiting the library and thus create foundations for their future and their complete development. One of the basic tasks of the children's sections in the national libraries is providing children a wide selection of material and organizing various activities, so that would become a place where children can learn, as well as spend their free time. Founding and development of the first children's libraries in Croatia are presented in the Thesis, as well as their tasks, functions and overview of all services and activities that the library offers to its users. The content, services and programs offered by the children's sections in the national libraries, all being arranged and regulated according to the Law on Libraries and Standards of the Republic of Croatia, are analysed within the theme of the Thesis. The theme about content and services of the children's section in general had to be analysed as the introduction into the theme. In order for the library to fulfil the needs of the users, the librarian has to possess the competencies needed for working with children, to cooperate with the institutions and provide education for both parents and children. Being the competent employees, the librarians especially contribute to the creation of new contents and to the development of the existing services. Furthermore, they carry out activities and they persistently try to get children closer to books. In order to determine the level of satisfaction of the users of the children's section in the City Library „Juraj Šižgorić“ Šibenik with the contents in the library, the research has been made using the survey method aimed at children and their parents as the users of the children's section. The results of the research are statistically processed and are an indicator of the degree of satisfaction of the users of the City Library "Juraj Šižgorić" Šibenik with the contents of the Children's Department. Based on the results of the survey, current user satisfaction will be determined and users will be given the opportunity to suggest content and services they would like or to improve existing ones. The results of the research have been statistically analysed and shown in the Thesis. |