Konstrukcijske karakteristike brodova za transport ukapljenog prirodnog plina

Autor: Valčić, Karlo
Přispěvatelé: Valčić, Marko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: U ovom završnom radu prikazane su konstrukcijske karakteristike brodova za transport ukapljenog prirodnog plina. Prikazana su svojstva prirodnog plina, njihov sastav, struktura i karakteristike. Prikazani su spremnici koji su namijenjeni za transport ukapljenog prirodnog plina, na kopnu i na LNG brodovima. Na LNG brodovima najčešće se koriste membranski ili sferični tankovi koji mogu biti Technigaz sustav, Gaz Ttransport sustav, kombinacija Technigaz i Gaz Transport sustava (GTT) te Moss sustav zadržavanja tereta. Prikazani su izbor materijala, odgovarajuća izolacija teretnog sustava, naprezanja te čvrstoća materijala, tlakovi, ponašanje tereta u tankovima broda. Također, u radu se uspoređuje transport plina cjevovodom i transport plina brodovima za prijevoz ukapljenog prirodnog plina. An overview of the structural characteristics of ships for the transport of liquefied natural gas is presented in this thesis. A description of liquefied natural gas is provided along with its composition, structure, and characteristics. Natural liquefied gas tanks, both on land and on LNG carriers, are presented. The majority of LNG carriers have membrane or spherical tanks, which can be the Technigaz system, the Gaz Transport system, a combination of these two systems (GTT), or the Moss containment system. The choice of materials, adequate insulation of the cargo system, stresses and material strength, pressures, and behaviour of the cargo in the ship's tanks are described. As part of the work, a comparison of the natural gas pipeline transportation with the transportation of natural liquefied gas by specialized ships is also provided.
Databáze: OpenAIRE