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Da bi se shvatila ovisnost Hrvatske o turizmu, dovoljno je pogledati njegov udio u BDP-u koji je 2019. godine iznosio 19,5% BDP-a. Pandemija uzrokovana virusom COVID-19 godine 2020. i 2021. dokazala je koliko je turizam kao gospodarska djelatnost ovisan o brojnim faktorima, što društvenim što prirodnim. Turizam i djelatnosti vezane uz njega, glavni su motor pokretač gospodarstva mnogih zemalja pa tako i Republike Hrvatske. Hrvatska je turistička zemlja, a masovni turizam najdominantniji je oblik turizma. Ovaj oblik turizma svoj vrhunac doživio je sredinom 20.-st., a njegovi glavni aduti su sunce i more. Masovni turizam došao je do točke zasićenja. Turisti traže nove načine provođenja svog slobodnog vremena. Stoga se i hrvatska turistička ponuda iz godine u godinu sve više usmjerava na selektivne oblike turizma. U modernom svijetu vjera je u očima mnogih ljudi zastarjela, sve se više ljudi izjašnjava ateistima. Isto je vidljivo i po zadnjem popisu stanovništva u Republici Hrvatskoj, gdje je došlo do pada broja katolika, a porasta broja ateista. Ipak, u teškim životnim trenucima, pritisnuti raznim nedaćama, egzistencijalnim i zdravstvenim problemima ljudi se sve više okreću vjeri i molitvi. Sve više ljudi na svijetu putuje motivirano vjerom. Upravo iz tog razloga vjerski turizam postaje sve značajnija komponenta hrvatske turističke ponude, iako je on daleko od nama konkuretnih zemalja poput Francuske, Italije i Portugala koje su sinonimi za takav oblik turizma. To understand Croatia's dependence on tourism, one should simply take a look at its share in GDP. In 2019, a record year for Croatian tourism, tourism revenues amounted to 19.5% of GDP. The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus in 2020 and 2021 showed tourism’s dependence on many social and natural factors. Tourism and activities related to it are the main engine driving the economy of many countries, including the Republic of Croatia. Croatia is a tourist country and mass tourism is the most dominant form of tourism. This form of tourism reached its peak in mid-twentieth century. Its main assets are sunny weather and sea/beaches. However, mass tourism has reached its saturation point. Tourists are looking for new ways to spend their free time. Therefore, the Croatian tourist offer is increasingly focusing on selective forms of tourism, primarily rural tourism, health tourism and cultural tourism. In today’s globalized world, religion seems to be outdated as more and more people declare themselves atheists. According to the last census, there is an evident decrease in number of Catholics and an increase in number of atheists. However, when faced with difficult situations in life, either existential or health-related, people tend to turn to faith and prayer. More and more travels are motivated by faith. Religious tourism is becoming an increasingly important component of Croatia’s tourist offer, although it is not as vital component as in France, Italy and Portugal, which are synonymous with this form of tourism. |