Međunarodni položaj Engleske u doba vladavine dinastije Tudor

Autor: Bradanović, Katarina
Přispěvatelé: Pavić, Milorad
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Međunarodni položaj Engleske u doba vladavine dinastije Tudor rezultat je brojnih faktora od kojih valja istaknuti unutarnje prilike u državi, ženidbenu politiku europskih velesila u ranom novom vijeku, savezništva na internacionalnoj razini, vanjskopolitičke i diplomatske manevre, stanje kraljevske riznice, dramatične promjene na religijskom planu, trgovinske odnose na tranzitnom području između Portugala i Baltika, istraživačke ekspedicije koje su odlazile prema Novom svijetu, kao i prioritetne, odnosno interesne zone svakog monarha dinastije Tudor. Diplomski rad analizira vanjskopolitičke poteze šest vladara dinastije Tudor, počevši od ustoličenja Henrika VII., zaključno s vladavinom posljednje članice dinastije Tudor, kraljice Elizabete I. Diplomski rad posebno naglašava ustanovljenje ženidbene politike dinastije Tudor u doba vladavine Henrika VII., diplomatske i ratne podvige Engleske u doba vladavine Henrika VIII., osnutak separatne Anglikanske Crkve i englesko odvajanje od papinske jurisdikcije, važnost habsburško-španjolskog i engleskog savezništva koji je služio kao protuteža snažnom francusko-škotskom savezu, utjecaj papinstva, protestantske reformacije i katoličke protureformacije na vanjskopolitičke odnose europskih velesila u 16. stoljeću, pobjedu engleske mornarice nad španjolskom „Nepobjedivom Armadom“ 1588. godine, unaprjeđenje engleske vojske i mornarice pod Henrikom VIII. i Elizabetom I. i uspostavljanje engleske pomorske i trgovinske dominacije na Atlantiku u doba „Zlatne ere“ Elizabete I., odnosno začetak britanske kolonijalne supremacije i stvaranje budućeg Britanskog imperija. International position of England during the reign of the Tudor dynasty was an outcome of numerous factors such as England's domestic policies, European superpowers' marriage politics of the Early Modern Period, international alliances, foreign policy and diplomatic maneuvers, present condition of the royal treasury, dramatic changes concerning the state's official religion, trade relations in the transit area between Portugal and the Baltic states, European exploration of the New World as well as the prioritized areas of influence of each monarch in the Tudor dynasty. This Master's thesis analyses foreign policy management of the six rulers of the Tudor dynasty, following the accession of Henry VII, in conclusion with the reign of the dynasty's last sovereign, Queen Elizabeth I. The thesis particularly addresses the Tudor dynasty's marriage politics established during the reign of Henry VII, England's diplomatic and warfare maneuvers during the reign of Henry VIII, the foundation of a separate Church of England as well as England's separation from the papal jurisdiction, the importance of the Habsburg-Spanish alliance which served as a counterbalance to the strong French-Scottish alliance, the influence of papacy, Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation on foreign relations of the European superpowers in the 16th century, victory of the English fleet over „The Spanish Armada“ in the year 1588, the advancement of both English fleet and army under Henry VIII and Elizabeth I as well as England's maritime and trade ascendancy in the Atlantic during the so-called England's „Golden Age“ of the Elizabethan era, i.e. the beginning of British colonial supremacy and creation of the future British Empire.
Databáze: OpenAIRE