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Tema ovog rada je religioznost i ateizam u kontekstu obnovljene rasprave o sekularizaciji i pojave novog ateizma. Svrha rada je teorijski što bolje obraditi proces sekularizacije i proces nastanka novog ateizma te vidjeti koliko su ovisni ili neovisni jedan o drugom. Proces sekularizacije se više ne prikazuje samo u okviru ukidanja crkvenih imanja, već kao ukazanje na sve širi raskol između svjetovnog i svetog diljem planete, što ima važne posljedice za kulturne i društvene promjene, kao i za svjetsku politiku. Nakon pojave ateizma, koji korijene vuče još iz Grčke, nastaje novi ateizam kao odgovor na društvene promjene nastale procesom sekularizacije, ali isto tako i kao straha od ponovnog uzleta religije procesom, kako neki autori smatraju, desekularizacije. S toga nam preostaje definirati ključne pojmove i potvrditi te ukazati na njihovu usku povezanost. The topic of this paper is religiosity and atheism in the context of the renewed debate on secularization and the emergence of new atheism. The purpose of the paper is to theoretically process the process of secularization and the process of the emergence of new atheism as well as possible, and to see how dependent or independent they are on each other. The process of secularization is no longer presented only in the framework of the abolition of church estates, but as an indication of an ever-widening schism between the secular and the sacred throughout the planet, which has important consequences for cultural and social changes, as well as for world politics. After the appearance of atheism, which traces its roots back to Greece, a new atheism arose as a response to social changes caused by the process of secularization, but also as a fear of the resurgence of religion through the process of, as some authors believe, desecularization. With that, it remains for us to define the key concepts and confirm and point out their close connection. |