Istraživanje utjecaja kaveznog uzgoja bijele ribe na strukturu zajednica meiofaune kod otoka Vrgade u ljetnom periodu

Autor: Vučković, India-Dea
Přispěvatelé: Petani, Bruna, Župan, Ivan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Kako bi se moglo što odgovornije upravljati uzgojnim postupkom intenzivne akvakulture, između ostalog, sastav i brojnost meiofaune se prati i koristi kao pokazatelj za praćenje stanja morskog okoliša i promjena bentosa uzrokovanih kaveznim uzgojem ribe. Uzorkovanje meiofaune ima brojne prednosti kao što su široka rasprostranjenost, laka dostupnost, sposobnost bržeg reagiranja na različite čimbenike okoliša, stalan i usko vezan kontakt s onečišćenim sedimentom te kratki generacijski ciklusi pojedinih svojti. Nematoda su najbrojnija svojta meiofaune i u velikoj mjeri se koriste kao pokazatelji stanja okoliša. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi utjecaj uzgoja bijele ribe na sastav i strukturu zajednica meiofaune u sedimentu kao i intenzitet i udaljenost na kojoj kavezni uzgoj ima značajniji utjecaj. Istraživanje se provelo na uzgajalištu bijele ribe kod otoka Vrgade te su se prikupili uzorci autonomnim ronjenjem na tri postaje: na rubu kaveza uzgajališta (i.e., P1), neposredno ispod kaveza uzgajališta (i.e., P2), te oko 700 m od kaveza (i.e., REF) koja je ujedno referentna postaja, u tri replike. Tijekom razdoblja uzorkovanja prikupili su se popratni kemijsko-fizikalni parametri, poput temperature, saliniteta, otopljenog kisika i pH vrijednosti mora. Svrha rada je da se dođe do novih spoznajna o utjecaju kaveznog uzgoja bijele ribe na Jadranu i mogućnosti primjene ove metode u programima praćenja utjecaja na morski okoliš tijekom rada uzgajališta. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je brojnost meiofaune u sedimentu najveća na postaji neposredno ispod kaveza uzgajališta dok je bioraznolikost svojti meiofaune najveća na referentnoj postaji. Kroz istraživanje je utvrđeno da na postaji neposredno ispod kaveza uzgajališta uvelike dominira skupina Nematoda te je dokazana kao najotpornija skupina na različite poremećaje u okolišu. Također, analizom strukture zajednica rijetkih svojti utvrđeno je da je bioraznolikost značajno veća na referentnoj postaji u odnosu na druge dvije postaje. Rezultati su potvrdili utjecaj kaveznog uzgoja na brojnost i strukturu zajednica meiofaune te istaknuli važnost redovitog monitoringa kao i korištenje meiofaune kao pokazatelja za praćenje stanja okoliša. To responsibly manage intensive aquaculture breeding process, the composition and abundance of meiofauna is monitored and used as an indicator for monitoring the state of the marine environment and changes in the benthos caused by cage farming. Meiofauna sampling has numerous advantages such as wide distribution, easy accessibility, the ability to react more quickly to various environmental factors, constant and close contact with polluted sediment, and short generation cycles of individual taxa. Nematodes are the most numerous taxa of the meiofauna and are widely used as indicators of the state of the environment. This work aims to determine the impact of fish farming on the composition and structure of meiofauna communities in the sediment, as well as the intensity and distance at which cage farming has a significant impact. The research was conducted at the fish farm near the island of Vrgada, samples were collected by autonomous diving at three stations: on the edge of the cage of the farm (i.e., P1), below the cage of the farm (i.e., P2), and about 700 m from the cage of the farm (i.e., REF) which is also a reference station, in three replicas. During the sampling period, accompanying chemical-physical parameters were collected, such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH value of the sea. The purpose of this thesis is to gain new knowledge about the impact of cage farming in the Adriatic and the possibility of applying this method in future programs for monitoring the impact on the marine environment during the operation of the farm. The results of the research showed that the abundance of meiofauna in the sediment was the highest at the station immediately below the cage, while the biodiversity of meiofauna taxa is the highest at the reference station. The research established that the Nematode group is largely dominant at the station directly below the cage, and it has been proven that it is the group that is the most resistant to various disturbances in the environment. Also, by analyzing the structure of the community of rare taxa, it was determined that the biodiversity was significantly higher at the reference station compared to the other two stations. The results confirmed the impact of cage farming on the abundance and structure of meiofauna communities and highlighted the importance of regular monitoring as well as the use of meiofauna as an indicator for monitoring the state of the environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE