The Mechanisms of Totalitarian Power in Dystopian Novels 1984 and The Handmaid's Tale

Autor: Trajkov, Eni
Přispěvatelé: Vrbančić, Mario
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: George Orwell’s 1984 and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale are two dystopian works which essentially deal with apparently two different kinds of totalitarian power, however, both with the scope of the absolute mastery over individual’s mind and body. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis is to demonstrate and elaborate the mechanisms by which those who rule Orwell’s and Atwood’s imaginary societies exercise their power, that is, to demonstrate and elaborate the ways in which the stated scope is accomplished inside the novels. So, by applying the appropriate theoretical framework on the examples of the two novels it will be shown how in both cases the aim of the complete mastery over individuals is accomplished by the exercise of the mechanisms of surveillance, the mechanisms of prohibition or sexual repression, the mechanisms of language control and the mechanisms of violent punishment. Roman Georgea Orwella, 1984, te roman Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale, su dva distopijska djela koja se u suštini bave s naizgled dvjema različitim vrstama totalitarne moći, međutim, oba imaju za cilj potpuno ovladavanje umom i tijelom pojedinca. Stoga je glavni fokus ovog diplomskog rada ukazati na i razraditi mehanizme pomoću kojih oni koji vladaju Orwellovim i Atwoodinim izmišljenim svjetovima provode svoju moć, to jest, ukazati na i razraditi načine kojima je postignut već navedeni cilj unutar dvaju romana. Dakle, primjenjujući prikladan teorijski okvir na primjerima tih dvaju romana, pokazati će se kako je u oba slučaja cilj potpunog ovladavanja pojedincima postignut provedbom mehanizma nadzora, mehanizma zabrane ili seksualne represije, mehanizma kontrole jezika i mehanizma nasilne kazne.
Databáze: OpenAIRE