Examination of the job characteristics and professional commitment of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic

Autor: Matošić, Ana Marija
Přispěvatelé: Gusar, Ivana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: UVOD: Pojava novog oblika pandemije ukazala je na važnu i zahtjevnu ulogu medicinskih sestara i tehničara u održavanju zdravlja ljudi i to posebice u izvanrednim situacijama globalnih javnozdravstvenih kriza i problema. Poznavanje karakteristika posla kao i praćenje profesionalne predanosti zaposlenika važno je u svrhu praćenja i poboljšanja kvalitete pružene skrbi. CILJ: Ispitati karakteristike posla i profesionalnu predanost zaposlenih medicinskih sestara i tehničara u Republici Hrvatskoj tijekom COVID-19 pandemije. MATERIJALI I METODE: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje uz pomoć on line ankete distribuirane potencijalnim ispitanicima putem društvenih mreža. Za istraživanje se koristio anonimni standardizirani anketni upitnik iz tri dijela. REZULTATI: Od ukupno 497 ispitanika, 435 (88%) cijelu karijeru namjerava raditi u sestrinstvu. Ispitanici uglavnom izražavaju (97,17%) da skrb prema bolesniku pružaju kao prema članu svoje obitelji. Polovica ispitanika (50,7%) napustila bi profesiju ako se ne bi slagala sa nadređenim ili kolegama, a nešto manji udio (34,4%) ostao bi u sestrinskoj profesiji unatoč nemogućnosti profesionalnog napredovanja. Ispitanici (70%) smatraju kako u poslu imaju umjerenu autonomiju, a 74,03 % ispitanika kako tijekom rada koristi složenu sofisticiranu opremu. Ispitanici su uglavnom suglasni (78.46%) da da njihov posao utječu povratne informacije od drugih osoba te niti jedan ispitanik (0) nije smatrao da sestrinski posao nije važan. ZAKLJUČAK: Tijekom COVID-19 pandemije koja je dovela do promjena u karakteristikama posla svih zdravstvenih djelatnika pa tako i medicinskih sestara na području Republike Hrvatske prisutna je profesionalna predanost medicinskih sestara. ABSRTACT: The emergence of a new form of pandemic has pointed to the important and demanding role of nurses and technicians in maintaining people's health, especially in emergency situations of global public health crises and problems. Knowing the characteristics of the job as well as monitoring professional commitment of employees is important for the purpose of monitoring and improving the quality of care provided. OBJECTIVE: To examine the job characteristics and professional commitment of employed nurses and technicians in the Republic of Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with the help of an online survey distributed to potential respondents via social networks. An anonymus standardized questionnaire in three parts was used for the research. RESULTS: Out of a total of 497 respondents, 435 (88%) intend to work in nursing for their entire career. Respondents mostly express (97.17%) that they care for the ptient as if they were a memeber of their family. Half of the respondents (50.7%) would leave the profession if they did not agree with their superiors of colleagues, and a slightly smaller proportion (34.4%) would remain in the nursing profession despite the impossibility of professional advancement. 70% of respondents believe that they use complex sophisticated equipment during work. Respondents mostly agree (78.46%) that their work is influenced by feedback from other people, and not a single respondent (0) considered that nursing work is not important. CONCLUSION: During the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to changes in the job characteristics of all healthcare workers, including nurses, in the Republic of Croatia, the professional commitment of nurses was present.
Databáze: OpenAIRE