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Religija je kroz povijest bila suučesnikom u brojnim sukobima. U ranim društvima ona je u kontekstu sukoba imala funkcionalnu i integrativnu ulogu. Već pojavom monoteizma religija se počinje koristiti i u političke svrhe, što kulminira u postmodernom stanju. Razlog tomu ne leži u nasilnom karakteru religija, nego u činjenici da se religijama nastoje opravdati ovozemaljski sukobi. Religija se politički zloupotrebljava i pretvara u ideologiju kada se koristi kao sredstvo za stvaranje kolektivnog identiteta, koji zatim usmjerava mase na sukob protiv „neprijatelja“. U tim slučajevima, različiti religijski identiteti jedan su od glavnih pokretača ratnog sukobljavanja. To posebice dolazi do izražaja u sukobima u kojima su sukobljene strane različite vjeroispovijedi, a kada se i sukob koji u temelju nema nikakve veze s religijom zaoštrava uplitanjem vjere. Primjer takvog uplitanja religije u politički sukob je sukob protestanata i katolika u Sjevernoj Irskoj. Na tom je prostoru do sukoba došlo prvotno zbog teritorijalnih, a potom i političkih i ekonomskih razloga. No, religija je za sukobljene strane poslužila kao osnovica religijskog identificiranja, učinivši time sukob žešćim i dugotrajnijim. Religion has participated in many disagreements throughout history. In early societies in terms of disagreements religion had a functional and integrative note. With the very beginning of monotheism, religion started being used for the sake of politics which culminates in postmodernism. The reason for this is not the violent nature of religion but the fact that religions serve to justify worldly disagreements. Religion is misused in terms of politics and turned into ideology used as a vehicle for making mass identity further used for colling out masses on participating in disagreements against "enemies". In such cases, different religious identities are one of the main initiators of war disagreement. This is particularly visible in those disagreements whose participants are of different religious beliefs and when the given disagreement which originally is not connected with religion culminates by the interference of religion. An example of such interference od religion into political disagreement is the disagreement od Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. The disagreement there primarily originated from territorial, political and economical reasons. However, religion served as the base of religious identifying for the both sides, therefore, making the disagreement more fierce and long-lasting. |