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Kada govorimo o kvalitetnoj i suvremenoj školi ne usmjeravamo se samo na obrazovne zadatke škole, čiji je konačni cilj razvoj znanja i vještina te dobar školski uspjeh učenika. U vidu humanističke pedagogije, cilj je školovanja razvoj cjelovite osobe, a to podrazumijeva intelektualni, socijalni i emocionalni razvoj učenika. Upravo je za socijalni i emocionalni razvoj djeteta vrlo bitno ugodno, podržavajuće i pozitivno ozračje te nastavnik koji svojim karakteristikama i ponašanjem njeguje i kreira upravo takvo ozračje. Učenici percipiraju strukturu razredno-nastavnog ozračja i konstruiraju osobni doživljaj nastave i nastavnika. Nije svejedno hoće li učeničko gledište o nastavniku i ozračju u razredu biti pozitivno ili negativno s obzirom da brojna istraživanja ukazuju na veliki utjecaj kojeg razredno ozračje ima na školski uspjeh, zadovoljstvo školom, osjećaje prihvaćenosti i samopouzdanja te smanjenje rizičnih ponašanja učenika. Istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od 160 ispitanika u Gimnaziji Požega, imalo je za cilj ispitati viđenje nastavničkog stila i komunikacijskog profila nastavnika iz perspektive učenika. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da učenici kao najzastupljeniji stil nastavnika procjenjuju demokratski stil, a verbalnu i neverbalnu komunikaciju u velikoj mjeri procjenjuju kao pozitivnu. Također, istraživanje je ukazalo na postojanje razlika u procjeni stila i komunikacije nastavnika s obzirom na zaključnu ocjenu ispitanika na kraju prošle školske godine, pri čemu ispitanici slabijeg školskog uspjeha statistički značajno više procjenjuju postojanje autoritarnog i indiferentnog nastavničkog stila te manje procjenjuju da ih nastavnik sluša te hvali i ohrabruje, u odnosu na ispitanike sa većim školskim uspjehom. Naposljetku, rezultati su pokazali i statistički značajno pozitivnu korelaciju između zaključne ocjene i demokratskog stila, a statistički značajno negativnu korelaciju između zaključne ocjene i autoritarnog nastavničkog stila te između zaključne ocjene i indiferentnog nastavničkog stila. Dobiveni rezultati idu u prilog značajnosti i važnosti učeničke procjene nastavnika i njegovog ponašanja prema učenicima, o kojoj uvelike ovisi i kvaliteta razrednog ozračja. When talking about a quality and a modern school, the focus is not mainly on the educational aims of the school, which refer to the development of students' knowledge and skills as well as good academic achievement. In the light of humanistic pedagogy, the objective of education is the wholeperson development, which includes intellectual, social and emotional growth of the student. For the social and emotional development of the student, a pleasant, supportive and positive environment is very important as well as a teacher with certain characteristics and behaviour that cherish and create such clasroom atmosphere. The students perceive the structure of the classroom environment and construct their personal experience of the teaching process and the teacher. The fact that students perceive classroom environment as either positive or negative is truly important, considering the fact that many research have proven a great impact classroom enivornment has on academic achievement, student satifaction with school and the feeling of acceptance and selfconfidence as well as decrease in student rick behaviours. A research conducted on the sample of 160 students in Gimnazija Požega aimed to investigate the students' perception of teacher's leadership style and teacher's communication profile. According to students' perspective, the results showed that teachers mostly use democratic leadership style and that their verbal and non-verbal communication with students is positive in most cases. The research also indicated that there are statistically significant differences in perceiving teacher's leadership style, considering the final grade of the participants at the end of the last school year, where participants with a lower grade assessed that the autocratic and laissez-faire style are more present with teachers in a comparison to assesments of students with a higher grade. Further on, statistically significant differences were showed in assessment of teacher's verbal and non-verbal communication, according to the final grade of the participants again. The participants with a lower grade perceived that teachers listen to, encourage and praise them less in a comparison to participants with a higher final grade. Finally, the results indicate a statistically significant positive correlation between the final grade and teacher's leadership style, where democratic leadership style positively corelated with the final grade, while autocratic and laissez-faire style corelated negatively with the final grade. These results confirm the importance and significance of gaining insight into students' perspectives of teachers and their behaviour towards students, which ultimately presuposses the quality of classroom environmet as well. |