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Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos anksioznosti kao crte ličnosti, suočavanja sa stresom i zastupljenosti psihosomatskih simptoma te istražiti eventualne spolne razlike kod adolescenata. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 211 učenika srednjih škola u Vinkovcima koji su ispunjavali Upitnik suočavanja sa stresnim situacijama Endlera i Parkera (CISS; Endler i Parker, 1992; prema Sorić i Proroković, 2002), Endlerovu skalu za procjenu anksioznosti kao crte ličnosti (EMAS-T; Endler, Edwards, Vitelli i Parker, 1989; prema Sorić, 2002) te Upitnik psihosomatskih simptoma za djecu i adolescente (PSS; Vulić Prtorić, 2005). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da postoji značajna pozitivna korelacija zastupljenosti psihosomatskih simptoma s ometenosti psihosomatskim simptomima, suočavanjem usmjerenim na emocije, suočavanjem distrakcijom te s anksioznošću prilikom socijalne evaluacije. Kako bi se ispitalo predviđa li anksioznost kao crta ličnosti i suočavanje sa stresom zastupljenost i ometenost psihosomatskim simptomima, provedene su hijerarhijske regresijske analize u tri koraka. Za zastupljenost psihosomatskim simptomima kao značajni prediktori pokazali su spol, anksioznost u svakodnevnim situacijama te distrakcija i socijalna diverzija dok se ostale dimenzije anksioznosti kao crte ličnosti i suočavanje usmjereno na emocije i problem nisu pokazale značajnim prediktorima. Za ometenost psihosomatskim simptomima kao značajni faktori pokazali su se spol, anksioznost prilikom socijalne evaluacije, suočavanje usmjereno na emocije i distrakcija. Također, rezultati upućuju da postoje spolne razlike u zastupljenosti i ometenosti psihosomatskim simptomima, suočavanju usmjerenom na emocije te anksioznosti prilikom fizički opasnih situacija, pri čemu djevojke postižu više rezultate. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of trait anxiety, coping with stress and the level of psychosomatic symptoms, as well as analyse the possible gender differences among adolescents. A sample of 211 high school students that attend various high schools in Vinkovci were involved in this study by filling out these questionnaires: Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS; Endler & Parker, 1992; as cited in Sorić & Proroković, 2002), Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales–Trait (EMAS-T; Endler, Edwards, Vitelli & Parker, 1989; as cited in Sorić, 2002), The Psychosomatic Symptoms Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (PSS; Vulić Prtorić, 2005). Research results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the level of psychosomatic symptoms and distraction by psychosomatic symptoms, emotion-focused coping, distraction and anxiety during the social evaluation. A hierarchical regression analysis in three steps were conducted in order to find out if trait anxiety but as well as a way of coping with stress, assumes the representation of psychosomatic symptoms and distraction by psychosomatic symptoms. Gender, anxiety in everyday situations and coping with stress by distraction and social diversion turned out to be significant predictors for the level of psychosomatic symptoms while the other dimensions of trait anxiety, emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping were not significant predictors. For distraction by psychosomatic symptoms as significant factors were gender, anxiety during the social evaluation, emotion-focused coping and distraction. Moreover, the results have shown that gender differences exist when talking about the level of psychosomatic symptoms, distraction of psychosomatic symptoms, emotion-focused coping and trait anxiety in physically dangerous situations, in which girls achieve better results. |