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Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos anksiozne i izbjegavajuće dimenzije privrženosti romantičnom partneru i razvojnih, odnosno fiksnih implicitnih teorija o romantičnim odnosima te zadovoljstva trenutnim romantičnim odnosom. Konstrukti su izmjereni pomoću Upitnika iskustva u bliskim odnosima – strukture odnosa, Skale implicitnih teorija o vezama te Indeksa kvalitete braka. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 256 žena koje su bile u heteroseksualnom romantičnom odnosu dulje od šest mjeseci. Provjereni su moderatorski učinci duljine trajanja veze te teorije sudbine i teorije rasta na odnos dimenzija privrženosti i zadovoljstva vezom. Interakcija izbjegavajuće privrženosti i vjerovanja u rast pokazala se statistički značajnim prediktorom zadovoljstva vezom. Preciznije, osobe visoko na dimenziji izbjegavanja mogle bi biti manje nezadovoljne vezom što snažnije vjeruju u rast. U svrhu potpunog razumijevanja pretpostavljenih odnosa ponuđene su smjernice za daljnja istraživanja ove teme. The aim of the present research was to examine the relationship between the anxious and avoidant dimensions of attachment to a romantic partner, developmental and fixed implicit theories about romantic relationships, and the satisfaction with the current romantic relationship. The constructs were assessed using The Experiences in Close Relationships – Relationship Structures Questionnaire, The Implicit Theories of Relationships Scale, and The Quality of Marriage Index. 256 women who were in a heterosexual romantic relationship for more at least six months participated in the research. The moderating effects of the length of the relationship, the destiny theory and the growth theory on the relationship between attachment dimensions and relationship satisfaction were verified. The interaction of avoidant attachment and belief in growth was found to be a statistically significant predictor of relationship satisfaction. More specifically, people high on the avoidance dimension might be less dissatisfied with the relationship the more strongly they believe in growth. Guidelines for further research on this topic are proposed in order to fully understand the assumed relationships. |