Biološka razgradnja pendimetalina

Autor: Martinović, Marko
Přispěvatelé: Findrik Blažević, Zvjezdana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: U ovom je radu prikazan pregled problematike pesticida, zakonski okvir regulacije upotrebe i praćenja pesticida u Hrvatskoj, te mogućnosti uklanjanja onečišćenja koja potječu od upotrebe pesticida s posebnim naglaskom na bioremedijaciju kao za okoliš prihvatljiv postupak uklanjanja onečišćenja, a primjenjivost je postupka na pesticidima eksperimentalno ispitana na primjeru biorazgradnje pendimetalina. Mogućnost biorazgradnje pendimetalina ispitana je korištenjem autohtonih mikroorganizama Bacillus megaterium i Pseudomonas sp. u vodenom mediju pri kontroliranim uvjetima uvažavajući načela sterilne tehnike. Kroz tijek pokusa biorazgradnja pendimetalina pratila se kroz promjenu koncentracije biomase i koncentracije pendimetalina pomoću spektrofotometra i HPLC-a. Zbog pandemije COVID-19, ispitivanje biorazgradnje pendimetalina je prekinuto prije nego li je prikupljeno dovoljno dokaza koji bi potvrdili mogućnost biorazgradnje pendimetalina. This work presents an overview of pesticide-related issues, the legal framework for regulating the use and monitoring of pesticides in Croatia, and the possibility of removing contamination that is the result of pesticide use with special emphasis on bioremediation as an environmentally friendly process of contamination removal, while the applicability of the process on pesticides was experimentally tested on the example of biodegradation of pendimethalin. The possibility of biodegradation of pendimethalin was tested using indigenous microorganisms Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas sp. in an aqueous medium under controlled conditions while following the principles of sterile technique. Throughout the experiment biodegradation of pendimethalin was monitored in relation to changes of biomass and pendimethalin concentration that were determined on a spectrophotometer and HPLC, respectively. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, testing of pendimethalin biodegradation was discontinued before sufficient evidence was collected to confirm the possibility of pendimethalin biodegradation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE