Adsorption methods for nitrate removal

Autor: Sučija, Ivana
Přispěvatelé: Foglar, Lucija
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Porastom broja svjetske populacije povećala se potreba za hranom i energentima što je dovelo do porasta poljoprivredne i industrijske proizvodnje. Uz sve prednosti koje razvoj donosi postoje i brojni nedostaci kao što je povećanje količine polutanata u okolišu poput nitrata, teških metala, fluorida, i brojnih drugih spojeva. Nitrati u velikim količinama u okoliš dospijevaju radi prekomjerne uporabe prirodnih i umjetnih gnojiva u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji ili neadekvatnom sanacijom otpadnih materijala iz raznih industrija, a budući da su veoma topljivi u vodi lako dospijevaju u površinske i podzemne vodotoke te često i u izvore pitke vode. Voda je neophodna za život i kvaliteta vode može značajno utjecati na ljudsko zdravlje, a budući da je malo vjerojatno da će se zaustaviti onečišćenje vode nitratima smanjiti važno je razviti adekvatne metode uklanjanja nitrata. Do sada su razvijene brojne metode uklanjanja nitrata kao što je kemijska i biološka denitrifikacija, reverzna osmoza, ionska izmjena i adsorpcija. Adsorpcija se pokazala kao vrlo učinkovita metoda uklanjanja nitrata te su provedena brojna istraživanja o uporabi raznih materijala kao adsorbensa i učinkovitosti tih materijala za uklanjanje nitrata. Često se kao sirovine za proizvodnju adsorbensa koriste materijali koji u drugim industrijama predstavljaju otpad, radi čega se adsorpcija može smatrati i ekološkom metodom. U ovome radu su na temelju literaturnih podataka opisane različite metode uklanjanja nitrata iz vode s posebnim naglaskom na adsorpcijske metode uklanjanja nitrata iz vode korištenjem različitih adsorpcijskih sredstava. As the number of the world population has increased so has the demand for food and energy which led to an increase of agricultural and industrial pollution. Along with all the benefits that the development brings, there are numerous disadvantages such as increasing the amount of pollutants in the environment such as nitrates, heavy metals, fluoride, and many others. Large amounts of nitrates are discharged due to the excessive use of natural and artificial fertilizers in agricultural production, or inadequate disposal of waste materials from variety of industries, and since nitrates very soluble in water it easily gets in the surface and groundwater sources and often in drinking water supplies. Water is essential for life so water quality can significantly affect human health, and therefore water pollution by nitrates should be reduced and development of adequate methods to remove nitrates is an important step. So far there have been developed numerous methods to remove nitrates, such as chemical and biological denitrification, reverse osmosis, ion exchange and adsorption. Adsorption has shown to be very effective method of removing nitrates so there have been conducted numerous studies on the use of various materials which can be used as adsorbents and efficiency of these materials for the removal of nitrates was investigated. Materials which in other industries represent waist are often used as materials from which adsorbents are made, so the adsorption can be considered the ecological method. In this paper based on literary data different methods of removing nitrate from the water were described, with special emphases on the adsorption methods of removing nitrates from water using different adsorption agents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE