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Park-šume dio su zaštićenih i evidentiranih prirodnih površina unutar Generalnog urbanističkog plana Grada Zagreba. Unutar granica GUP-a Grada Zagreba smještene su 22 park-šume koje zbog svog okruženja, veličine i vlasništva nisu adekvatno održavane ili su tijekom godina degradirane. Stoga se u ovom radu postavlja pitanje jesu li postojeće mjere zaštite i uređenja nedovoljne za zaštitu ili se ne provode u praksi. Ovim radom će se kroz inventarizaciju i analizu pokušati doći do sveukupne slike park-šuma Grada Zagreba, što će biti temelj za usporedbu postojećeg stanja. Na temelju rezultata obilaska terena, inventarizacije i vrednovanja, cilj je napraviti osvrt na postojeće mjere zaštite i uređenja. Naglasak rada je na smjernicama za promociju i uređenje park-šuma kojima je cilj upoznati ljude s park-šumama i njihovim značajem za Grad Zagreb, ali educirati ljude o ekološkim značajkama kao i dobrobitima park-šuma za njegove građane. The Park-forests are part of the protected and registered natural areas within the General Urban Plan of the City of Zagreb. There are 22 park-forests within the boundaries of the City of Zagreb GUP, which, due to their environment, size and ownership, have not been adequately maintained or have been degraded over the years. Therefore, the question which arises in this thesis is whether the existing protection and regulation measures are insufficient for protection or are not provided in practice. This master thesis, through inventory and analysis, will try to get an overall picture of the City of Zagreb's park-forests, which will be the foundation for overviewing the current state. Based on the results of the field trip inventory and evaluation, the goal is to review the existing protection and arrangement measures. The emphasis of the paper is on the guidelines for the promotion and arrangement of park-forests, the goal of which is to introduce people to park-forests and their importance for the City of Zagreb, but also to educate people about the ecological features and the benefits of park-forests for its citizens. |