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Paška ovca se uzgaja ekstenzivno na krškim pašnjacima, a mužnja se odvija uglavnom ručna u kante u toru ili na samim pašnjacima. Zbog ovakvog načina uzgoja i mužnje u mlijeko dospijeva određena količina prljavštine, odnosno dlake, slama te izmet životinja koji uvelike narušavaju kvalitetu mlijeka te u mlijeko mogu dospjeti patogeni mikroorganizmi. Zbog toga je cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi broj mikroorganizama i somatskih stanica u sirovom mlijeku paške ovce te utvrditi koje su to bakterije u mlijeku najčešći uzročnici mastitisa u ovaca. Istraživanje je provedeno u 10 stada ovaca, od veljače do svibnja. Analize su provedene u Hrvatskom veterinarskog institutu u Zagrebu. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je 50% uzoraka imalo broj somatskih stanica manji od 500 000/mL, a broj mikroorganizama je u 68% uzoraka bio iznad 1 000 000cfu/mL (eng. cfu=colony-forming unit). U mlijeku su također detektirani Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. te E.coli. Rezultati nisu upućivali na postojanje upale već na naknadnu kontaminaciju mlijeka mikroorganizmima. Potrebno je poboljšati higijenu mužnje kako bi se dobilo mlijeko visoke kvalitete. Pag sheep are reared extensively on karst pastures, and milking takes place mainly by hand in buckets in the corral or on the pastures themselves. Due to this method of breeding and milking, a certain amount of dirt, i.e. hair, straw and animal feces, gets into the milk, which greatly impairs the quality of the milk, and pathogenic microorganisms can get into the milk. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine the number of microorganisms and somatic cells in the raw milk of Pag sheep and to determine which bacteria in milk are the most common causes of mastitis in sheep. The study was conducted in 10 flocks of sheep, from February to May. The analyzes were performed at the Croatian Veterinary Institute in Zagreb. The study found that 50% of the samples had a somatic cell count of less than 500,000 / mL, and the number of microorganisms in 68% of the samples was above 1,000,000 cfu / mL. Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. and E. coli were also detected in the milk. The results did not indicate the existence of inflammation but the subsequent contamination of milk with microorganisms. Milking hygiene needs to be improved in order to obtain high quality milk. |