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Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi svojstva rigolanog tla iz obronačnog pseudogleja te korelaciju između vodnog potencijala tla (VPT) i vinove loze (VPL) na tri pozicije obronka. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na izrazitu heterogenost fizikalnih svojstva tla duž obronka, gdje je sadržaj gline najveći na višim pozicijama obronka (P1), sadržaj praha raste prema dnu obronka, dok je sadržaj pijeska najveći na sredini (P2) istraživanog obronka. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako nije utvrđena korelacija između VPT i VPL na P1 i P3 poziciji, dok je na P2 poziciji (sredina obronka) utvrđena jaka korelacija (r = 0,63). S obzirom da nije utvrđena korelacija između VPT i VPL određen je korelacijski koeficijent između VPL i srednje dnevne relativne vlage zraka (RVZ). Rezultati ukazuju kako nije utvrđena korelacija između vodnog potencijala vinove loze izmjerenog u zoru i RVZ, dok je između VPL izmjerenog u podne i RVZ utvrđena pozitivna i jaka korelacija (r = 0,56 – 0,67). The aim of this paper was to determine the properties of rigolated pseudogley soil and the correlation between the water potential of soil (SWP) and vine (VWP) on three slope positions. The results of the research point out high heterogeneity of physical properties of soil along the slope, where clay content is highest on the higher slope positions (P1), silt content grows towards the bottom of the slope, while sand content is highest in the middle (P2) of the studied slope. The results of the research indicate that no correlation was found between SWP and VWP at the P1 and P3 positions, while a strong correlation (R = 0.63) was found at the P2 position (mean slope). Since the correlation between SWP and VWP was not established, a correlation coefficient was determined between VWP and mean relative humidity (RH). The results indicate that no correlation was found between the water potential of the vine measured at dawn and the RH, while between the VWP measured at noon and the RH was established a positive and strong correlation (R = 0.56 – 0.67). |