Changes in the composition and content of phenolic compounds in the leaves of the white cultivates of vine grapes during ontogeny

Autor: Ivančić, Iva
Přispěvatelé: Karoglan Kontić, Jasminka
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Fenoli su najrašireniji sekundarni metaboliti u biljnom carstvu. Iako nisu izravno uključeni u procese fotosinteze i disanja, imaju važnu ulogu u opstanku same biljke. Ponajprije, služe u zaštiti biljke od abiotičkih i biotičkih stresova. Brojnim istraživanjima utvrđena su antikancerogena, antialergijska, protuupalna, antimikrobna, neuroprotektivna i brojna druga pozitivna svojstva fenola. Upravo zbog pozitivnog utjecaja na ljudsko zdravlje, te zbog lakog vezanja s mnogim spojevima (poput proteina) fenoli su pogodni za primjenu u farmaceutskoj, prehrambenoj i kozmetičkoj industriji. Predmet ovog istraživanja je utvrditi promjene u sastavu i sadržaju fenolnih spojeva (flavanoli, flavan-3-oli, hidroksicimetne kiseline i hidroksibenzojeve kiseline) prisutnih u listovima 10 autohtonih i dviju introducirane bijele sorte. Istraživanje se odvijalo na vinogradarsko vinarskom pokušalištu „Jazbina“ tijekom 2017. godine. Uzorci su sakupljani periodično, počevši sa završetkom cvatnje vinove loze do tehnološke zrelosti pojedinih sorata. Listovi su potom adekvatno pohranjeni, liofilizirani te podvrgnuti ekstrakciji. Ekstrakti su analizirani tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti, rezultati su obrađeni pomoću ANOVA testa i Duncan Multiple Range testa. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata utvrđena je značajna varijabilnost u masenim udjelima fenolnih spojeva između sorata po pojedinim terminima uzorkovanja. Također, utvrđena je i značajna varijabilnost u sadržaju fenolnih spojeva unutar iste sorte tijekom različitih termina uzorkovanja. Phenols are the most widespread secondary metabolites in the plant kingdom. Although not directly involved in the processes of photosynthesis and breathing, they play an important role in the survival of the plant itself. Primarily, they serve to protect the plant from abiotic and biotic stress. Numerous studies have identified anticancer, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, neuroprotective and many other positive properties of phenols. Due to the positive impact on human health, and because of the easy binding with many compounds (such as proteins), phenols are suitable for use in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. The subject of this research is to determine changes in the composition and content of phenolic compounds (flavanols, flavan-3-ols, hydroxycinnamic acid and hydroxybenzoic acid) present in the leaves of 10 indigenous and two introduced white varieties. The research took place at the Experimental station "Jazbina" during year 2017. The samples were collected periodically, starting with the completion of flowering vines to the technological maturity of the individual varieties. The leaves are then adequately stored, lyophilized and subjected to extraction. Extracts were analyzed with high performance liquid chromatography, and results were processed using an ANOVA test and Duncan Multiple Range test. Based on the results obtained, significant variability was found in the mass proportions of phenolic compounds between the varieties per individual sampling periods. Also, significant variability in the content of phenolic compounds within the same variety has been established during different sampling times.
Databáze: OpenAIRE